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WeekendWarrior said:
Haven't heard that one yet, but I know Gaia Epicus are from Norway and that they play gamma ray metal ;) hehe. I think I will check out 'Satrap'.. will you recommend it? :)
They got 3 out of 6 points in the metal magazine Scream btw.
The Gaia Epicus's music which resembled Stratovarius....
"Fire & Ice" is wonderful like "Hunting High and Low" of Stratovarius.

I hope you like them anyway.
Enchant - Blink of an Eye
Lanfear - The Art Effect
Manticora - Hyperion
Midnight Sun - Metal Machine
Misanthrope - Libertine Humiliations
Nightmare - Cosmovision
Platitude - Secrets of Life
Red Wine - Sueños y Locura
Royal Hunt - Eyewitness
Zandelle - Twilight on Humanity