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I don't have time to explain the whole message, but main point is this:


Yes you read right... _STOLE BOTH GUITARS_ :( :( :( :mad: :mad: :mad:
Yeah yeah... but after all, there's something funny about it, isn't it? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it was good what they did, but still... Both of Alexis guitars disappear, and obviously no one saw anything...
I can't help it, but that's making me smile - in a sarcastic way, you know...
Or maybe I'm just tired... :rolleyes:
uhauehauh i think it sux1 but they will be able to buy new ones
and thomas...they are not pop stars...
so..there arent many people who wants to fuck up with them ...dont worry about it..
metal bands dont walk around with security guards...
Mmmffmmpp mpffmfmmfpmp mmfmmmppp'fmp ffmppffmf fmmmppmpp mfffmp? Mfpmpp'fmm fmpmfpmpp ppmmmmppp mpfppfpff fmpmfpmmmfmp pmpmffpppmpmmmm pmmppfmmp! :lol:
you people's converstations are so fucking hard to follow! argh! :p

about buying new ones... don't be too sure, they're not exactly pop starts like you said... plus he had that Laiho/Latvala model, i know crap about guitars but isn't that supposed to be unique or something?
What kind of jack-off would steal somebody else's livlihood?
This is total bullshit...I can't believe somebody would do something like this. I think I'd like to pour fire ants down this piece of shit's throat and watch as they eat him alive from the inside out...I'd pay to see that.
i think alexi should find the bitch or (s). and beat him down..then drag him/them by a car through the street filled with broken beer bottles. sorry im a little drunk now so dont mind me