Lazare's vocals.

I cant tell the difference between his and the other dude from solefald, can someone point out the difference, or give me and example of which is which. I only have neonism.
The thing with the vocals in Solefald is that each man has MANY voices. As for Neonism, Cornelius does all the shrieks and harsh vocals and all of the deep fairly monotone rap-ish vocals. Lazare does all of the melodic singing. One vocal I'm still not sure about is the crazy shouting that is on a few songs (e.g. Omnipolis at 00:13-00:27 and everywhere else where those same vocals are used), I used to think it was Lazare, but listening now, it sounds like it could be Cornelius. Does anybody know who it is for sure? I really think it's Cornelius.

And also, darcy, Lazare is indeed a master of the voice! If you haven't heard Age Of Silence, I suggest you buy their full-length and EP immediately, you will not be disappointed (Lazare is the one and only lead vocalist in that band! :D)
Excellent, thanks for the tips again!

FUBAR: If you listen to The Focusing Blur, you can hear Lazare's speaking voice between most tracks... his singing voice is very similar.
i love his vocals in asmegin

@karpsmom: yeah i'm also pretty sure that the voice you're reffering to (in omnipolis) is Cornelius'
i love AoS but sometimes i wish that not EVERY vocal line was harmonized.pisses me off at times
I love the layered vocals in AoS. You can also hear Lazare quite clearly in "Future Reminiscence", "Traveller" and "The Wonder". In Future Reminiscence at the end of the world "cataclysm" in the big climax part, Traveller during the chorus doing "aahhhh"'s, and The Wonder doing the "la la la la" parts.
Azzor1911 said:
i love his vocals in asmegin

@karpsmom: yeah i'm also pretty sure that the voice you're reffering to (in omnipolis) is Cornelius'

Yea he adds a lot to Asmegin. haha, good old Cornelius, such a varied voice that man has!
karpsmom said:
I love the layered vocals in AoS. You can also hear Lazare quite clearly in "Future Reminiscence", "Traveller" and "The Wonder". In Future Reminiscence at the end of the world "cataclysm" in the big climax part, Traveller during the chorus doing "aahhhh"'s, and The Wonder doing the "la la la la" parts.
I'm going to have to go back and listen more closely to that album, I haven't spun Epic in a while now.
I really love his backing vocals on Epic. Him and Vintersorg really go to a new level when their vocals are mixed. I only have the debut album from AoS and it is fantastic. I need to pick up the EP.
hahah, whoops! I meant to say the EP is very different from the full-length.

P.S. Stained Class, I love your "Location."

Oceana said:
or lazare doing backing vocals at the end of gods of my world

You hear him there? I've listened a few times since you posted this, and I honestly only hear many layered voices of Mr. V.

benny said:
Him and Vintersorg really go to a new level when their vocals are mixed.

I really wish they would push Lazare farther to the front in Borknagar and make it more like he's lead singer too. If Mr. V and Lazare both sang lead vocals and really did a lot of harmonies together the band would be a powerhouse of soaring epic vocals! It would be heaven! It feels like such a crime to have two of the best voices in all of metal in a band together and not have the two of them singing more as a duo rather than a leader and a back-up singer.