Lazy Akercocke Fans - Love Me

I still rate it their 3rd best after Words and Choronzon.. But it really is extremely good - there are definitely a lot of proggy bits, just.. it's not as proggy as i'd have imagined it being.. And the sheer velocity and brutality veils it all slightly. Axiom is pure genius and Jason's vocals on Epode are easily the best sung vocals he's ever done. I love the fact that The Dark Inside has the sort of Techno synth sound similar to in the song 'Words That Go Unspoken'. I get the feeling that would be the 'single' out of the songs.. It's probably the easiest one to market.. And it's pretty catchy!
I can't go because i'm skint.. But me and Camille are going to see Negura Bunget, Ephel Duath and Bossk at the underworld may 16th :D

It's probably the first time Negura Bunget has ventured outside of whichever forest that spawned them! 1 @M s0 xxxcited!!!


We-like-to-dance, HEY!

I want to see Akercocke again!!
They SLAYED at Waterrats!

I mean, they sung and danced well!:Smokin:
obviously im not saying that Jason ripped off Akerfeldt at all, but does anyone see the similarities between Epode and an acoustic Opeth song?
I never liked Akercocke and always couldn't understand why there's such a hype about that band.
After giving the new record a few spins I've got to say I still don't change my mind. :erk: