Lead Guitars

I'd rather them continue doing what they feel is right instead of throwing things in just to appease fans.

To all u pedantic people here in the forum:
Katatonia have put their asses in a rathole to create this fantastic album for you!

And You? Oh, the songs are too short ... there are no lead guitars ... no big choruses ... it's not complex enough ... lack of diversity ... to pick up just a few of those silly phrases you typed in.

Wake up! Listen to the album, enjoy the songs ... and after 6 months you come back, relaxed - without the childish expectations you had in mind before the album was released - and then you can judge, a bit. Ok?

And you can be lucky that Katatonia are not AC/DC or Motörhead, right?
They work really hard, so please show respect!
I think the OP is just raising a question, i don't think he is preaching the band's return to the old sound, he's just asking what we prefer. Also, in my opinion, it is possible for Katatonia to keep using those leads again without regressing or repeating themselves, although i've been really happy with the path that they've decided to follow on the last 3 albums.
Lead guitars can't be unique enough for me. I love the new more complex direction. NitND sounds very fresh and different.
I'm with the OP. I missed the Anders lead guitars in TGCD. But NITND is so amanzigly brilliant that i don't even care anymore! I can always go back and listen LFDGD and stuff if i want to. But NITND is so perfect that i don't even miss the thing i always loved the most about kata, lol. Weird uh?