Learning a language


The Necromancer!
Dec 9, 2003
Irlanda del Norte
I am currently struggling to learn Spanish from a BBC book and CD. The examples are spoken far too quickly! I have heard that Linguaphone was very good but its too expensive to risk purchasing. Any recommendations?

I look forward to all of your words of wisdom.

The Michel Thomas Cds are expensive but well worth it. I haven't tried the Spanish ones but the French CDs were excellent. After literally two months I was able to hold my own in a conversation with a French guy at work.

I'm trying to learn Hungarian at the moment as that's where my Mrs is from, but I think it'd be easier to learn Klingon...
I'm in Spanish 3 in high school right now. I don't know how easy it is to learn a language from books...but with a teacher, you catch on real quick.
hmmm i think i tried to learn italian with micheal thomas - quite good for a tape, also tried to do classes, but im lazy and had 2 jobs at the time so i gave up - bad me..but new years res is to pick it up again.
The best way to learn a language is to go to a country where that language is spoken, and then stay with a native family. The English I learnt at school wasn't very useful to me; I can't imagine a better teacher than my host mum in New Zealand...

rafael said:
I'm learning german ....
Wie läuft's? Kommst Du gut voran, oder fällt es Dir schwer?
snow2fall said:
The best way to learn a language is to go to a country where that language is spoken, and then stay with a native family. The English I learnt at school wasn't very useful to me; I can't imagine a better teacher than my host mum in New Zealand...

Wie läuft's? Kommst Du gut voran, oder fällt es Dir schwer?

I've had it for only 4h a week in a few months. I can't that much yet.