learning CoB


Nihilistic Misanthrope
Apr 4, 2004
middle of the u.s.....seriously
okay so here's my deal. i want to learn a shitload of CoB. i can burn a cd up to 80 minutes long. i'm thinking of the first song being the easiest song to learn and going up from their with the last being the hardest. like progressing type if you get what i mean. oh yeah i'm talking about guitars here. so what songs would you guys say to put on the cd? and where could i get accurate tabs for the songs? well anyway i suppose that's it. thanks! (whoever helps me i :worship: )
here is one thread that folks have been talking about some Bodom song suggestions.


Lot of good suggestions here. I don't know what I'd put as last; but I think Mask of Sanity would be kind of further down on the list, at least for the solo. But that's just me. :D First, it seems that Bed of Razors is a rather user friendly one. As for tabs; they do have them online but I always try to crack them open by ear first; it gives me a better feel for the songs. Sometimes fully accurate tabs are hard to find; one reason being is that everyone plays differently; keep in mind the same notes are found numerous places on the fretboard; one person might find that playing it one position is easier and tab it that way; but another another way and they'll tab it THAT way...so by ear you sort of personalize it. And besides, it's very satisfying that way :D
yeah i started playing some cob stuff a couple months ago. fun fun stuff.. i like the intro to lake bodom, i like playing stuff from silent night, bodom night. and umm what else? i dunno a bunch of little parts here and there, mostly sweeps.
First few songs should be Bed of Razors, Silent Night Bodom Night, Hate Me!, and Everytime I Die. Mid-level songs include Needled 24/7, Chokehold, Wrath Within, stuff like that... As for the last songs.. Mask of Sanity, Towards Dead End, Kissing the Shadows, and The Nail... The Nail has an insane ending... the last 2 mins of that song is probably the hardest chunk of any CoB song.