Least favorite CoB song?

Sixpounder. The part after the heavy riff in the beginning doesn't really fit. It's the only Bodom song to ever give me that feeling. If they would've made the verses a little slower or something, it would be great.
Children of Bodom is THE only band of which all the songs are great in my opinion. Not a single 'bad' one for me.

My least favorite would probably be either 'Northern Comfort', though I think the beginning of it kicks a lot of ass ..That's its highlight
..or 'Taste of my Scythe'
I don't understand!?! Northern Comfort?!?! Crazy bastards, just go to 2:26 and tell me that is not like the coolest riff you have ever heard. FOOLS!
I'm just kidding, it's an oppinion, if you guys don't like than ya don't like it. My least favorite would have to be umm.... The Final Countdown... JOKING! DUDE STOP! JOKING! WHOA! Ok but seriosuly I'm not a big fan of Silent Scream, thats my least fav I'd say.