Leather Jackets

Conspicuously Absent

Linguistically Confused
Mar 27, 2005
I'm ready to buy a new leather jacket (i've outgrown my old one) and i'm curious as to where you'd recommend getting one. The last one was a present and we no longer speak to the giver of said present.

So i have no clue where to look. I'm looking for the standard leather jacket you'd see on any self respecting non-zyklon fan metalhead. (even though I like zyklon).
You guys are soo cool because you because you wear your image on your sleeves.

... Bullet belts rule :zipit:
Yeah I don't actually wear my "image" on my sleeve because I'm not exactly a metalhead, shit, I listen to Bjork and Bonnie Prince Billy and other gay shit all the time, I'll wear a Celtic Frost shirt once in a while or something but I'm no Tully if that's what you're trying to say, which I also resent because Tully is the fucking man. And bullet belts are unquestionably awesome and can be found on the internet if you don't mind ordering from crust punk websites.
i'd like to get me some leather and stuff eventually, when i don't have any music,beer,food or other more important things to buy... gonna be a while.

but seriously, it'd be fun for wearing to shows and stuff!
cthulufhtagn said:
www.dogpilecloze.com have some stuff, no leather jackets though

that site is fucking hilarious! it tries SO hard to appeal to punks... "hey let's rebel against the authority omg hehehehe power sux!"!12" by trying to convince them to buy clothes by describing how they fit into the "punk" image. rebel against one set of ideals by conforming to another just as rigid?
despite these three qualities of my leather jacket:

-purchased at gottschalk's
-paid for by mom
-was made by liz claiborne

it fucking rules. extremely comfortable, tough, keeps me warm, and looks great too.

bullet belts are probably the dumbest thing ever, unless of course you're on the frontlines. sorry warriors. :loco: