That sucks Next time we'll try to use an easier way of getting visa or... Lee, you better stay in Russia Then you won't have to suffer for a visa again!!
Well I started queueing at 6am this morning and I finally got the Visa at 2pm... 16 hours of queueing in total, which is longer than the train journey from Helsinki to Moscow.
Some people who were at the front of the queue yesterday and didn't quite make it inside actually stayed in the street overnight so they didn't lose their spot!!!
When you actually get inside, there is only one window for those wanting Visas. A farcical situation. The lady ahead of me in the line had come every day since wednesday and today she was lucky.
Well, what can I say... One year ago I though that Europenians were afraid of abolition of visas between Russia and EU just because of uncontrolable flow of people from ex-soviet space into Europe. But now that it will be the other way around. Whatever I travel with I always see foreign people coming to Russia! Strange though... Now when Russia and EU started negotiations about free-border-crossing... RUSSIANS seem to be against that... Odd... pretty odd.... even odder than age of Russell... I hope that soon both sides can travel without visas...
PLEEase, do not LEEsten to LEE, he speaks a different engLEEsh! There are only dicks and cunts with tits behind his words, whatever he says! On the other hand it's very easy to understand me - I am just wondering how old are you, that's it! I think any person is allowed to ask how old are you, isn't he? Then you answered that you are 19!
And I say that your age is ODD. You are a scientist, Russell!! Shame on you! Number 19 is odd and not even!! Odd and even, even and odd!! You see what I meen? The point is that if you keep on talking to Lee then, very soon, you get adDICKted to words like him and... now me as well, namely, you'll speak a different engLEEsh - the Odd EngLEEish, and you'll never be able to distinguish between numbers and things in general: everything will become odd: odd will become even, even - odd, and every even will be odd. You'll be surrounded by pretty girls, but in the moment you want to touch them they will be showing you their dicks and beards. And after that they will force you to boil your own one to have a gay supper all together!
Do you want that??? I hardLEE escaped that!!
Lee is on his way to Sweden! So he can not read the board, unless he has the internet on his mobiLEE phone.
So we can post whatever we waaaaaaaaaant!
No!! You can't fool me, Lee!! I know why you said you's come on 22d! Well, honestly I am not sure you can sell much for two days... Marlboro and Levi jeans are not very popular nowadays... I think you could earn much more selling Lee jeans, though.