Legitimate 9-11 Video

The Deacon Dr. O said:
Some of you may have already seen this, but I'm interested in hearing what you all think:


Obviously it is easy to sway peoples oppinions with well done propoganda: It's flashy, asthetically appealing, and moves fairly quickly, sometimes not giving you adequate time to consider all sides of every issue it brings up. Yet of all the 9-11 consipracy theory presentations I've seen, its the best. I havent seen any flaws in the logic or evidence of this presentation, If anyone has any arguments on this, I'd be interested in hearing them.

That was very interesting!! I don't quite know what to believe..
But confiscating all that film and never releasing or even talking about it has me wondering if it wasn't a plane will we ever know what it was?
I don't think it's really hugely important if it was a plane or not. I mean look at what had already happened that day only hours before in NY.

However if it wasn't a plane, then it brings into question a lot of things. Why did planes hit the world trade centre? Who was behind it? Why damage the Pentagon if it was not caused by terrorists? Where the hell did the plane that supposedly hit the Pentagon go to then? Why did the final missing plane crash in a field?

There's a lot of questions there, and i think some people want answers that will fit in with their conspiracy ideas, rather than just accepting it as a terrorist attack.
I just want answers. I have no agenda when it comes to conspiracy, and if i was given reasonably logical answers i would accept them.

It seems to me that the US government make a balls up of EVERY explanation they give to try and cover something up: see warren commission.
Some people in the CIA and other people who stand to gain from the militerization of American (like the vice president) so they dip their fingers into things all over the world. As possible as there being extremist muslims who are willing to sacrifice themselves to kill non-muslims, there can an always have been people at the top manipulating people to gain. If the so called bin laden (who was trained by the CIA to fight with terror tactics against the Russians) was such a good Jihad leader, he would have killed himself. Instead they get fundy losers who believe the stupid shit about rewards in the afterlife to sacrifice themselves and kill others. When you think of it, it is exactly like the people you see trying to get on reality TV in the western world. They all want their 30 seconds of fame, so do those muslims. They get honoured and priased for killing.

And since those attacks, the CIA has recieved more power to do secret ops under the Patriot act.

Besides that, the main problem and question is, where was NORAD. Manhattan is restricted airspace, and they are always prepared to scramble jets and intercept immediately, but it just so happens that on this day they didn't. According to various sources, they had apparently scheduled doing a mock "airplane hitting a building" drill, and so they were told that it was only a drill and no planes where sent up. So how did the terrorist learn of this knowledge to plan the exact time and place this drill, which just so happend to be their plan of attack?
It seems as though Demiurge has exlcusive knowledge and facts about this subject that he wants to share. Don't worry though, he knows the truth and will point out where you are wrong, which is very helpful in a discussion because without that, we would be lead to beleive that what we think and find out for ourselves is wrong. I'm guessing that because he knows everything, his word ultimately is going to be nothing but pure 100% truth to any subject you talk about. :Spin:
Well I think [unlikely event] happened because I saw on [biased sensationalistic media program] that only the [government/masons/arabs/FBI/jews] would be able to execute 9/11.
I have a question for conspiray theorists: what is the minimum number of people it would take to execute one of the aforementioned conspiracies?
Good question. I don't think you could ever pull of such a plan secretly without someone finding out. You'd have to pay of and bribe so many people it would not be worth it. There would be easier ways to justify a war or invasion than to kill 3000 civilians in downtown NY, destroy 4 passenger aircraft, whilst at the same time blowing up a fifth of you military headquaters!
It's an interesting video that I've seen before, but........with flashy animation and "cool" music I'm sure I could also make a convincing argument that Elvis is actually still alive, or anything for that matter.

Edit: Also I think the biggest argument against this would be that it wouldn't have anything to do with George Bush, or most of the administration. As much as I'm sure left-wing nuts would love for something like this to be true, I don't think the president is that kind of person. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't execute something like that. So I guess the contention from these people is that it's something from the CIA or....whatever. He's a horrible politician and a stupid person in general, but that's why he was elected, the majority of people in the United States can identiy with that. :)
I saw a video of the Pentagon plane from one of those parking lot booths.
I think it was a security camera. You can see the plane coming in very low.
Hey Silver Incubus and the others who are interested in the subject, visit Conspiracy Central Bittorrent tracker. It has, free to download, hundreds of videos and audios on the 9/11, the New World Order, the secret societies, and much more...All Alex Jones films. You won't be disapointed. Those who laught at this will be proven wrong in due time.
Conspiracies are often complete nonsense though? I mean, much of it is useless conjecture or coincidences that are exaggerated to the point of becoming nonsense.

Folks will always pick the exciting option over the mundane. But if we objectively look at much of the conspiracy theories in existence it becomes clear many of them are from the paranoid mind.
Yes. The majority of conspiracy theories are ridiculous. I am aware of the incredible amount of people, money, all kinds of government coverups it takes to do these sort of things. I feel that on the rare occasion though, they are plausible. I mean, lets be realistic. The Government is not always honest. Would you have believed in a Watergate conspiracy theory, before the public found out? Its not like politicians dont try and cover up mistakes / intentional wrongs.
Iridium said:
Silver Incubus, you have not answered my question.

By the way, if any of you are fervent enough believers in these conspiracy theories that you want to formally debate them, I welcome you to do so at IIDB:


You didn't ask me a question, as I am not a conspiracy theorist. Like I said before, I look for the truth, and not conspiracies. And to think that some of the things they bring up aren't true is just as bad as the Christians refusing to believe that the world was created billions of years ago. I keep an open mind which means I don't judge people based off of other people conceptions and labels. And to think that the government will tell the truth is just about as trusting as having a partner who cheats on you multiple times and says they won't do it again, except for later that night, and the day after. The gov has admitted to lying in the past, which at the time people believed to the truth, because it was the official explanation.

The fact of the matter is, people whom wield the power and connections tend to become corrupt. In a capitalist society, you almost expect the government to be corrupt because money is what gives you power in a capitalist society. I think there are plenty of good politicians in most countries, people who actually serve the people, care about the issues of their people etc. There are also a lot of those corrupt ones, and some of them don't care for their people at all, and they use terror and other means to keep the people in line.

I don't make the conspiracy conclusions; I look at evidence that has been provided and make my decisions based on what I find to yield the most truth. There are people in the government who do speak out, and expose the under dealings going on behind closed doors for the benefit of money and/or power.

I don't know if you watched that video on that link I posted, but that is a legitimate physics professor from Utah University, and he proves some very interesting facts about physics and how it was very improbable that all 3 collapse because of fires.

The way that the interviewer, Douchy McBowtie, acted, it almost seemed that he was trying to stall him, as if the subject was taboo or something, I mean its pretty rude to keep interrupting someone like that, in the middle of a sentence.

Anyways I let the evidence speak for itself. You can choose not to believe in the evidence, but it seems almost illogical to think that everything someone says isn't true because someone has labeled them a conspiracy theorist and is the same as any hearsay you hear in local gossip.