Legitimate 9-11 Video

Hmm that video doesn't really proove anything though. The presenter was trying to silence him most of the time or that's how it looked to me.
The articles on that site seem to be convinced this building was blown up, they say no fire could cause that damage.
Are they not forgetting that over 1 million tonnes of steel and concrete just fell to the ground right next door? That's gotta be like having and earthquake happen in downtown NJ? Surely that would dammage the foundations, and aid the collapse.
And have they also forgotten that both the main towers were hit by a jumbo jet at a couple of hundred mph?

It just looks to me like they are looking for something they want to be true and ,making the evidence fit to their theory.
Lord SteveO said:
Hmm that video doesn't really proove anything though. The presenter was trying to silence him most of the time or that's how it looked to me.
The articles on that site seem to be convinced this building was blown up, they say no fire could cause that damage.
Are they not forgetting that over 1 million tonnes of steel and concrete just fell to the ground right next door? That's gotta be like having and earthquake happen in downtown NJ? Surely that would dammage the foundations, and aid the collapse.
And have they also forgotten that both the main towers were hit by a jumbo jet at a couple of hundred mph?

It just looks to me like they are looking for something they want to be true and ,making the evidence fit to their theory.

Yeah Alex Jones does go off into conclusions very easily, and almost, like you said, tries to make what he believes to be truth by the way he presents it. But I definately don't believe half of the conclusions he brings but, there is very useful info on that site's new section. Some articles are from papers, and other news sources around the world, and some of that stuff is not the mainstream "OMFG Janet Jacksons B00Bies" or some other retarded thing in the news that directs real important news off the main page and puts in the middle somewhere.