LePou and TSE stuff is great!


Frozen Sun Audio
Nov 19, 2010
I just tried out LeCto, LeCab, TSE X30, and TSE 808. I have to admit, at first glance I am thoroughly impressed. I like them better than ReValver on my old system, the likes of which I always thought had holes in the tone that couldn't be dialed in. Pretty much right away I was able to get a good jam tone with these units, which is what I use amp sims for in the first place, just noodling around when I'm bored and don't want to fuss with tubes. These plugins get constant mention here, but I can tell that the people who made them put some serious hard work into them, and they don't charge out the butthole for them like some other amp sim programs (which I find all sound really bad to me) so a little more honest publicity never hurts :kickass:

On topic, what's the word on the X50 beta? Looking forward to that being finished as well.
me too i'm waiting for the x50 to be released :)
Much prefer the x30 or th2 (even though you have to pay for that one) compared to the lecto or poulin ampsims. Don't know why, never could get a great tone out of them.
But lecab is awesome ! (i hope Lepou will correct that issue when you change the path to your impulses used in a project, it crushes your daw when you open that project).
If you check out Fear Complex Music's youtube videos, he gets great tones out of all the ampsims he tries out + he demonstrates them well.

Always hated the tse 808 type of plugins, MUUUUUCH better using the real hardware pedal.

btw I wouldn't mind donating again once i have a bit of cash flowing in my bank again...
me too i'm waiting for the x50 to be released :)
Always hated the tse 808 type of plugins, MUUUUUCH better using the real hardware pedal.

the last quote is one of the reasons why the first quote has taken so much time :p
I take the time to do some programming now and then, but everytime I read stuff like that I'd rather go do something else instead, because I can't compete with real hardware :lol:
I haven't touched the X50 code in quite a while, thats the latest words on it ;)
the last quote is one of the reasons why the first quote has taken so much time :p
I take the time to do some programming now and then, but everytime I read stuff like that I'd rather go do something else instead, because I can't compete with real hardware :lol:
I haven't touched the X50 code in quite a while, thats the latest words on it ;)

Take your time good sir, great art is rarely, if ever, fast art.

I can relate to your drive to perfection in my own pursuits. If you want to know the most efficient way to ensure that you come back to work on something in the future, it's to call it "final".

I find the LeCto to be the king of amp sim heaviness myself.

Hey Robert, did you ever get that last IR pack I sent to you? I never heard back from you if you got it or not.

I'll admit I was sort of curious to try the LePou offerings because of the nice things you had to say about them, then that spread to TSE as well from them both being commonly mentioned in the same breath.
Take your time good sir, great art is rarely, if ever, fast art.

I can relate to your drive to perfection in my own pursuits. If you want to know the most efficient way to ensure that you come back to work on something in the future, it's to call it "final".

Hey Robert, did you ever get that last IR pack I sent to you? I never heard back from you if you got it or not.

I'll admit I was sort of curious to try the LePou offerings because of the nice things you had to say about them, then that spread to TSE as well from them both being commonly mentioned in the same breath.

Yes, got them and they sounded great. Will have some time to really play around with them this weekend.
i've tried almost every amp sim on the market...with the exceptions, i believe, of the overloud stuff and newer amplitube products, and X30 is still the best sounding high-gain plugin i've come across. idk why, but for me, it just absolutely crushes all other software amps.
the last quote is one of the reasons why the first quote has taken so much time :p
I take the time to do some programming now and then, but everytime I read stuff like that I'd rather go do something else instead, because I can't compete with real hardware :lol:
I haven't touched the X50 code in quite a while, thats the latest words on it ;)

the tubescreamer plugins can help out in times of need but since i have the pedal i'm always using it :)

Take your time, anything to make your plugins better ;)
But lecab is awesome ! (i hope Lepou will correct that issue when you change the path to your impulses used in a project, it crushes your daw when you open that project).

What exactly is this issue? I've never seen this yet I guess.

I like how TSE X30 dials, for some reason it seems more amp-like than other sims I've tried.