Lepou's december

I don't really post here....cause I'm a n00b and can't really help anyone, but I lurk a lot and this is pretty much the only website I regularly go to everyday.

But anyway, if it weren't for you guys I would have never found the LePou plugs and I use LeCto pretty much everyday to practice/track guitars so count me in :D

If possible, I would like a weekend so I can set an alarm to do it to make sure I don't forget....5th December, is that still free?
Really excited there is a beta, but it won't show up for George (G1) or me in our DAWs. He's on Intel Mac (Logic) and I'm on PPC Mac (Cubase).
That's the kind of thing I was excpecting. I'm new this Mac environment and Xcode development software. I may have f*** one of the compiling options. I have updated the link. There is 2 versions in there compiled with 2 different sets of options. Let me know if one is working for you.
Awesome, will be back at my comp in <20 mins and I will try the new one. Once I can get it to show up and working I will gladly donate btw ;) ;)
Dont get me wrong : this thread is a "thank you for all you have done" and not a "let's try to enslave him to doing more vst by promising him money when he Will do an au version of his plugins". I didnt expect that.

This was really all about it cause your vsts are awesome.
Really excited there is a beta, but it won't show up for George (G1) or me in our DAWs. He's on Intel Mac (Logic) and I'm on PPC Mac (Cubase).

This doesn't surprise me at all, seeing as Logic doesn't have VST support, and PPC is an archaic and outdated architecture at this point.

Working fine on my iMac i7 in Cubase 5!
George has VSTs running as it is. Regardless, LeCtoB works in Cubase for me on PPC Mac :) :)

Edit: Donated :)