"Less gain"...makes my amp sound like a blues balad


Oct 5, 2003
So, everyone on this forum claims that less gain on the amp sounds better.

Put it to 12.30 o clock and use the tubescreamer settings posted here all the time....

Doesen't matter what guitar or amp I use...I hardly get any distortion with settings like these....sounds more alike an ac/dc ballad or somekina twangy blues sound.... whats up with this.....?
Here's my rectifier with gain at 12.30:
if you're quad-tracking that may work, but i've found that if you're only double tracking, a bit more gain than that fills out the guitar stereo spread quite nicely.
No it might be OK for brutal death metal, but i play lots of technical stuff and need all my notes to be articulate.
On a 5150 I use the green channel at around 4 or 4.5 with a tube screamer.
I know dude, the whole idea of having the gain that low seems mind-blowingly weird at first. But after toying with it enough, you will soon have guitar tracks that sound as full as you want, and you will also be able to clearly understand what's being played.

How hard you pick also has a huge amount to do with it.

VERY true, adapting your playing to less gain is really important. Also, with the open chugs or just palm muting in general, move your hand further towards the bridge than you're used to having it (or even kind of on the bridge), and all of a sudden it will sound like you have more gain.
So now I have "too much" gain....ok, really?

Do it the way you like it. You don't have to do what other people say. Hell, don't do what I say ;) My experience is that if you like what you hear, you play better. Of course there's one sound for everything, so you might change the guitar sound depending on the riffs you make. I like it "supersized with extra everything". :headbang:
Sounds pretty good to me.

Quad Tracked and in the mix with bass and I am sure it would fine.

I would maybe turn the gain up on parts where the pinch harmonics are and overdub them.

And what tube screamer settings?

Some people have the screamer at close to 0 for a boost and others at 9 o'clock.

On my XXX with my OD808 at 9 o'clock I have super pinch harmonics and liquid response in leads but its still nice and clean. I finally feel like Zakk Wylde. :headbang:

Kinda "magical" comparing to what I used to do with the XXX by itself with the gain turned up.
Ok, my reason for wanting/liking much gain:

I like the way palm muting sounds when I place my palm more towards the neck.
It's more like "Djent-djent-djent" rather them "braoum-braoum-braoum"... (hehe, don't laugh, you know what I mean).

I think palm muting sounds a bit dull when the palm is placed more towards the bridge...at least with the style of music I play.....(meshuggah-ish picking)

When i turn down the gain the sustain of my palm-mutings are too short when placing the palm more towards the neck.

Also, I feel a lack of overtones when palm-muting with less gain.

I DO prefer the sound of an open powercord with less gain, though...., it's basically the palm-muting I'm not satisfied with...

I seem to remember that Andy prefer to place the palm more towards the brigde, so....I guess he's better of with less gain....
it's all about balance, and keeping an open mind

sometimes low gain works, and sometimes you're gonna want it higher...try it both ways with a few guitar tracks till ya find something you like

when you get into doing 2 or more guitar tracks tho, you'll quickly see where they can really come alive with the gain a bit lower...but don't be afraid to experiment and turn the gain knob either way, try different pickups, try it with/without the boost etc.
Your recording actually sounds like it has a little too much. Try quadtracking before you decide how much is enough.
If you're quadtracking I'd say, go with one hi-gain setting and one with lower gain and more tone. You'll get both the nice palm mutes and good definition in tone. Blend to taste.. Voila