"Less gain"...makes my amp sound like a blues balad

I was fucking around with this last night. I think the Boogie pregain really is fine at 12oclock. Also, with the Boogie, the TS9 settings make a HUGE difference if you want a metal tone that is crisp. One mistake I have made is dialing up tone by having my guitar running through 2 amp channels set exactly alike panned hard left and right. This is fine for tracking so you can hear better, but you do not get a good representation of how it will sound doubled.

What the first poster should try is laying down a track with the Ts9 in front with pretty much no gain and the level set around 12oclock at max. Then just use the Tone knob to taste. For me, the tone knob was working at around 2oclock.

Then record a take of something and pan it left. After that, just play over what you just recorded, but pan it hard right. You should get a much clearer picture of how much gain is really needed when you do this.
I here ya blackcom. I have been chasing that full bodied studio produced sound for years. Can it all come out of the one amp without quad tracking? Me thinks so.

I have been reading this forum for around 6 months and have learned a hell of a lot from everyone here. This is only my 2nd post , so here goes.

I have created a very thick djent, djent sound after a long time f#$king around with line 6 gear and distortion pedals through clean channels of some cheap marshall tube heads, I went and bought a Peavey XXX and kept that as the core of my tone. (I also have a 5150 and 6505+). It sounds brilliant with fast intricate picking and open chord riffage.

I play an Ibanez rg 7620 with a seymour duncan invader. I run that through a mt2 (with the gain all the way down ) into a compressor (boss) into a hbe uno-mos into a boss pq4 (old parametric eq) all going through the ns 2s loop into the amp.

I then have another pq4 in the effects loop with an isp decimator.

Run the 1st pq4 (the one to the amp) to push the mids of the pick up. I have the gain on the xxx at 9 oclock.

Anywhere from low to just above bedroom levels, CRUSHS! When I have to play at jamming levels I disengage the mt2 and stand on the maxon 808. Its the best of both worlds.

I here ya blackcom. I have been chasing that full bodied studio produced sound for years. Can it all come out of the one amp without quad tracking? Me thinks so.

I have been reading this forum for around 6 months and have learned a hell of a lot from everyone here. This is only my 2nd post , so here goes.

I have created a very thick djent, djent sound after a long time f# around with line 6 gear and distortion pedals through clean channels of some cheap marshall tube heads, I went and bought a Peavey XXX and kept that as the core of my tone. (I also have a 5150 and 6505+). It sounds brilliant with fast intricate picking and open chord riffage.

I play an Ibanez rg 7620 with a seymour duncan invader. I run that through a mt2 (with the gain all the way down ) into a compressor (boss) into a hbe uno-mos into a boss pq4 (old parametric eq) all going through the ns 2s loop into the amp.

I then have another pq4 in the effects loop with an isp decimator.

Run the 1st pq4 (the one to the amp) to push the mids of the pick up. I have the gain on the xxx at 9 oclock.

Anywhere from low to just above bedroom levels, CRUSHS! When I have to play at jamming levels I disengage the mt2 and stand on the maxon 808. Its the best of both worlds.


Congrats on reviving a year old post. Sorry if I sound like a cock, but so many people are reviving posts old as the fucking hills right now lol.
i think reviving old threads is nice, because new people can learn things (in this case, learn new things that you are not searching), re-learn things that maybe you forgot or missed, or just having fun reading the comments, nobody hurts, and is best keeping it in one thread instead of making a new one that no one will reply, because has been asked or posted before.