Let the Celebrations Begin WATERSHED has been unleashed

Does the special edition include the original artwork and are they bonus tracks all on the second disc? When I buy it at the store, I plan on buying the special edition.
Many people may deem this thread as excretory-worthy but to all those who waited, well done! It felt so good to walk into the record store and purchase the SE few days ago. Cheers Opeth, and Celebration! :Smokin::rock::kickass::hotjump:
Many people may deem this thread as excretory-worthy but to all those who waited, well done! It felt so good to walk into the record store and purchase the SE few days ago. Cheers Opeth, and Celebration! :Smokin::rock::kickass::hotjump:

I always think these days when a new album comes out that it's a bit of an anti-climax for those of us who wait for the release date to hear it, because by then everyone's heard and discussed the leaked version to death. So I think it's nice that someone is celebrating the actual release date...
I had a dream lastnight that it was the day before Watershed was to be released and I went to all these stores trying to buy it and no one would sell it to me and finally I went to this local grocery store called Save-A-Lot and they had it and they sold me the special edition of it. As soon as my wife wakes up we are going to FYE to buy it.
Yes I woke up today and went to my local retail store right at 10am. I am one of the few that waited t'ill today to listen to any of the material (except Heir Apparent live)...just finished my first full play-through and I am blown away. So much more than I ever expected...well. I guess I did expect it hehe... they never fail to please...
yeah, I got mine in the mail today also.
I think someone already mentioned this before, but I'm currently putting the tracks on iTunes, and the album title comes up as "Opeth 4"

It was a dark day here on release day, the day was almost black as night with heavy rain and thunderstorms. I almost had problems driving to the record store in the massive downpour of rain. I made it though and I picked up Watershed and Still Life(Special Editions), along with the new Ihsahn album. Now time to listen, it will probably take a couple days for me to formate an opinion.
Because this city sucks, it took me about 45 minutes to wade through the traffic to get to the mall, while it should only have taken about 15 or 20. Cars were basically stopped on the interstate for no apparent reason - ostensibly because of 'road work', but no one was working on the road. Anyway, arrive I finally did...
... And now the (special edition) album is mine! \m/ And I can see that I'm going to be listening to this over and over until it sinks in. What a strange album.
Hail to everyone who waited! \m/