Let's give Hawk some support...


Apr 29, 2004
Moderator Hawk (Henri) 's mum died today.
I'm sure he will appriciate some support from all of us.
I got to meet his mother only very briefly a few times,
but she was very friendly and was allways concerned for

I hope we can send some nice words to support Hawk with
his loss. Some people here have gone through the same thing and
know how hard it is to loose dear ones...

Condolences Henri, I'll visit you in a few weeks if that's ok...
Sorry hear about both your losses. I can relate as my Dad just died last month. The big C got him. Like I said on FB Henri, it does get easier with time, but it's always there in the back of your mind. I'm only a month into the grieving process so it's still stabs me in the heart every time I think of him.

I'm here if either of you want to talk about things...we all have in common.

My heart's with you on this sad time. You know you can also count me in to talk if you need.
Sad to hear and condolences to you and your family. I lost my father almost 2 years ago to a heart attack, and although time has helped, I still miss him so much. As the days pass, try not to dwell on the what-if's or what things might have been. Instead, recall and cherish the good times and memories that made her so special to you...
My sincere thanks to everyone and especially to Gert for starting this tread. It did help. I feel somewhat better now.

Thanks everyone!