To Give You an Idea of How Some Albany Promoters Can Be...


hey Michael... remind me never to work with this guy in Albany. sheesh. What a crybaby.

Surprisingly enough, he's one of the better promoters down here and the only way for local and regional unsigned acts to get on the radio. At least he doesn't keep the money he makes at his fundraisers...
I agree with you here. There was one time I handed out over 2,000 flyers on my own, promoted like hell, etc and every.single.person. I talked to said, "I wouldn't miss it for the world", etc. Of those, only 5 people showed up, for a total of 15 people for an INTERNATIONAL ACT. I was PISSED.

I've seen so much of this on a smaller, local band level (being in a smaller, local band haha). I should clarify that while i think it could have been handled better, i get where this guy came from entirely.

Man, that dude needs to informed that they make decaffeinated now. Whoa!

this made me lol
In all fairness, I shot the guy a message on his myspace concerning the blowup. First, my message to him, and his response


Now, first and foremost, please don't view this as flame mail, however, there are a few points that I'd like to stress after having this sent to me:

*see letter posted in the beginning of this thread*

What I don't understand about this is the simple fact that neither myself, or at least the 10 or so people that I talk to on a daily basis through work/outside of it knew ANYTHING about this show whatsoever. So, suddenly, because of a complete lack of knowledge on my part, I'm "dumbed down", a "sack of shit", and even the extremely long one that starts with "dickholes"? How exactly does that work?

Yes, Albany and Lee County is a shit-hole, and I completely agree with you on the notion of everyone bitching about how there's nothing to do, and yet not taking action, however, it just seems a bit unprofessional to talk shit about myself, and other caring music fans in Albany due to us not attending a fundraiser that we had no clue about.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that not all of us are this terrible scourge of humanity that you make us all out to be, and I personally take a little offence at a local promoter talking shit about people when we didn't even know about ths show in the first place.

Then again, it's the internet. If there was ever a place to scream at the people who piss you off, it's there. Also, concerning the circumstances, I'd be pissed off as hell as well. More power to you, I reckon

Anyway, feel free to completely disregard this message if you just feel like I'm full of nonsense, or if it wasn't even you who wrote it. I'm not writing this out of malice, but after reading that, I felt a need to respond to defend myself and my own, you dig?

Take it easy, and don't let this town kill you

And his response:

thanks for your response. lol. yeah I know I went overboard. It was 2 am I was sleep deprived and mad at the world. I know thats not an excuse but maybe it sheds some light on why it sounded the way it did.

It wasn't intended to piss anybody off but I kinda figured it would. It's my mistake for not making it a little more clear on who I was attacking. I completely understand that people had to work or have young children.

What I don't get is that alot of people have said they didn't know about the show? Here's why I say that:

Last year's Loserfest - 3 days radio ads
1 myspace message sent
Several Myspace bullet.s posted

Loserfest '08 - 3 weeks of radio ads
several myspace messages
Headlining band in rotation on 103.5
Helping a local kid

I tried every thing I could to push this. The laws of advertising just don't seem to apply to this show I guess. Last year 500+ people showed up. It just doesn't make sense.

But like I said before, thanks for the response. And if you've been a listener of mine over the years, thanks.

But all is done and over with. The Homegrown Show is no longer on air. It was pulled off air because P13 was drinking a beer in the cumulus parking lot friday which is apparently against company policy. Eventhough I had nothing to drink that day at all. They still said it was my resonsibility.

As someone who's helped Gunstar9 on occasion with local booking, I can completely understand his frustration, even if his outburst was a little too uncalled for.

Also, for the record, I never listened to The Homegrown show. I'm usually at work around that time.
For some reason, these kinds of antics from someone named "Chunk The Fat Kid Extreme" doesn't seem surprising at all.

He's not much of a promoter if he actually thinks that "nose in the air, holier than thou, shitass, church going fucks" go to metal shows.