Let's Go Red Sox!!!!

Denis Leary said:
Babe Ruth, greatest baseball player to ever play the game. He had a voice box. He was the first American to have a voice box. Yeah! "[VB] This is Babe Ruth, the Sultan of Swat, the Bambino, I smoke twenty-five god damn cuban cigars a day. I had meat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I fucked eighteen prostitutes a night! 'course, I'm dead now. I'm up here in heaven. Lou Gehrig is up here with me. God love Lou Gehrig. Jesus Christ, poor Lou Gehrig. Died of Lou Gehrig's disease. How the hell did he not see that coming? You know. We used to tell him, 'Lou, there's a disease with your name all over it, pal!' There ain't no Babe Ruth disease, I'll tell you that much right now. Have a hot dog and a hummer. Go ahead, it's on me."
I love that man. Love love love him.
Hah! You're kidding me! They will be on an emotional tidal wave and wipe your astros OUT! That would be good to see Clemens back at Fenway to get rocked in the same park he earned most of his K's. Oh, the irony. :)

Babe who? ;)

PS - If that is the result of the ALCS/NLCS, do you want to put down a wager? heh?
I am NY'er and wish the Sox win also ... the fucking Yankees deserve to lose after playing pocket pool for the last three games.

But the Sox won't with the World Series though ;)
Doomcifer said:
Hah! You're kidding me! They will be on an emotional tidal wave and wipe your astros OUT! That would be good to see Clemens back at Fenway to get rocked in the same park he earned most of his K's. Oh, the irony.
Please. The 'Stros are on even more emotional having NEVER been this far. With the NL's only 20-game winner and baseball's #2 man in strikeouts (who will probably win the Cy Young), plus having baseball's hottest bat right now in Carlos Beltran, the Sox would be goners.

Keep in mind the 'Stros shouldn't even be here, with a record of 44-44 at the All-star break. They are the hottest team in b-ball, and have won 22 of their last 23 at home.

If the Sox and 'Stros indeed do meet in the Series, I wouldn't mind a little wager. I'm kinda poor right now, so we'd need to keep it pretty low.

But first the 'Stros need to win one more, and the Sox have a must-win today.
I wouldn't worry about the Sox in the series. If there's one thing that's certain, history repeats itself. Before the night is over, the Sox will have their hearts broken. You can almost set your clock by it.

I really wouldn't be surprised if the Yanks win the game. I'd just feel bad for all those BoSox fans, having their hopes and dreams shattered after an incredible run at history.

The 'Stros will win it all anyway. No worries.
i guess I am a sox fan by default. The old man is from Boston, and alot of family is still up there.

If they win tonight, I think they have a good shot against the Cardinals- however, I think the Astros would beat the Sox. Beltran is playing like barry Bonds with fielding and running skills, the dude is an amazing talent- the best all-round baseball player in the league by far. And Oswalt and Clemens are both good enough to go up against Schilling- and the other so-so sox pitchers.
one thing is for sure ... all of God's beer will be consumed today in MA.
either way expect things to be broken tonight ...
speed said:
After last night I think Schilling became a legend in Boston.
Only if they finish the deal.

By the way, that wasn't blood on his sock from the injury, it was the medication they shot him up with. None the less, a very gutsy performance from a guy who is as clutch as they come.

If I had to make a list of things that frighten me most in life, that list would have consisted of air travel, werewolves and public speaking. However, I think I have to put David Ortiz at the top of that list.

My hats off to the Sox. Great performance, and one for the history books. If the 'Stros lose tomorrow, I hope the Sox sweep the Cards.