lets play.. CREATE A BAND NAME

I explained Superfuck in one of my story threads.It was going to be the name of the "band" that Famous Amos,another friend and I were planning to form.I got it from a lyric in the song "Give" by the band Cold.It's also a lyric in a Marilyn Manson song...as is Anti-Life,another band name that I thought of.Dark Royalty was a name that I thought of a while ago.
Sure,pm me your e-mail.I'll be nice and send you one of my shorter ones:D I wouldn't have the time to type out one of my longer ones and I'm sure you wouldn't have the time to read the whole thing.I was gonna,somehow,send Black Winter Day one of my 12-pagers,but I couldn't type all of it out on the computer.
Hey,deads,you have a web page or something?Maybe you cpould put the story I send you on your page so anyone who wants to read some more of my stuff could just go there and read it.Just a thought.Later,I'll search thru my notebooks trying to find something good enough to send you.
hmmm, Dark Rising, Rustain, This Nightmare......hmmmm.......oh! My friend Tommy had a good idea once: phhplllppp! like a fart! ha ha! A band who's name is a fart!:lol:
Cool.But,as of now,I'm at a very slow inspirational time,I haven't written anything in a while.And when I'm in these sort of moods,I'm intensely critical of all of my work,so I may take a while to find something good enough to send you.
How about some of these names: The Jack Officers (actual band name trademarked), Vaginal Secretions, I. P. Freely, The Toxic Shock Syndrome, 3-speed Billy Goat(actual band name trademarked), Twat Lickers From Hell. :D Don't take these so seriously.

imagine how many people would come to your shows!

or maybe...

