lets play.. CREATE A BAND NAME

Reminds me of 8th grade, when there was a game going around the school and kids would throw tampons colored with red marker on people. Junior high was very immature but it ruled. In high school I never saw as much bloodshed as I did in junior high.
The best fights were in the cafeteria, cuz when the kids would start fighting, some kids would sit, some would stand on their chair, come would stand on the table, kinda made the place look like an arena:lol:
Originally posted by ct_thrash
well hey, you never know. on the little TSS info sheet that comes in boxes of tampons it says guy can get it too:lol:

There is more than one way you can get Toxic Shock CT... It's basically the body poisoning itself, it can happen alot when people have teeth removed, and the dentist left some of the tooth behind...

There's some useless info for you :D
Fred's Left Nut
Vegan Salad Death
Beer Swilling Redneck (wait, isn't that one of Phil Anselmo's bands? no wait, Zak Wylde)
Trendmaster General
Donald Duck Is My Bitch
Arkansas Earthquake Vagina (got the idea from Alabama Thunder Pussy)

and my personal favorite: Your Mom.

Gee, who's playing tonight? "Your Mom." Dude, did you see "Your Mom" last night? Dude, "Your Mom" totally sold.
Well, I find Pungent Stench a very decent name for a band... Was hard to invent it though it seems... :guh:
Originally posted by Necromunchkin
Fred's Left Nut
Vegan Salad Death
Beer Swilling Redneck (wait, isn't that one of Phil Anselmo's bands? no wait, Zak Wylde)
Trendmaster General
Donald Duck Is My Bitch
Arkansas Earthquake Vagina (got the idea from Alabama Thunder Pussy)

and my personal favorite: Your Mom.

Gee, who's playing tonight? "Your Mom." Dude, did you see "Your Mom" last night? Dude, "Your Mom" totally sold.

I like that! :lol: