Let's talk about tattoos

Everyday I consider further and further. I want to get something that will remind me of the days around getting it, and will remind me of who I was (at this moment will be at the time) like a mini time machine. Thus I have to get it somewhere I can see it, but not invasive, as I dont want to be destracted by it at all. For along time I've wanted a Dark Tranquillity tatoo... But maybe the haven plant or something, like, an image that represents DT. Words are too stationary I think.
Lolita Vampiriá said:
I have one around my right ankle. No pics I'm afraid.
I don't like big tattoos on women, however for certain type of men they look good.
:guh: You didn't have a tattoo like two months ago. When did you get it? And what's the pic?

Here's mine:

idari said:
:guh: You didn't have a tattoo like two months ago. When did you get it? And what's the pic?

Hmm then there's some misunderstanding. I probably said I don't like big tattoos on women or something similar. I remember saying congrats for your new tattoo, although I wouldn't personally have that big myself. I have had my tat since 1997. There's maybe one picture of it but I don't remember where.
Ah, yes. We were talking about whether tattooing is painful or not and you said "Don't know it personally because I haven't got a tattoo there...", but i remembered that you only said that you don't have a tattoo. So i was mistaken :p
i have none, but i'm constantly thinking about getting one. i need a decent motive, those i like are normally way too weird and would constantly be in my way, i guess... here's an example i posted before - i still think it's awesome but i wouldn't dare to have it on my arm.

I love BIG tattooes on both guys and girls.. As Caro said, I find that sexy too :D
I have biiig plans for my body. I only have one for now, but I'll do another one on my other calf and then half-sleeve on one arm and something BIG on my other arm.

This is what I have for now:

I've aldready posted a picture of it before, but since there's a new thread about tattooes I did it again ;) *sings Britney..oops I did it again*

@marduk1507:What do you have tattooed?
Aye, I think it's time for me to show off :cool:


//missing Michael's sig, he wasn't around that night :)
I have two tattoos at the moment, unfortunately I don't have any specific pictures of them around now that I could post them here but if I'm able to kick that lazyness out from my ass, then I could take some photos. It's quite hard to describe first tattoo with words, at least I call it as "Dancing Blueberry" which has all-night-long parties in my leg :D Second one is tribal in my arm and that not fully finished yet.