Let's talk wrasslin'

The money thing is definitely a point of contention for Bret. It may have been during the interview he did with Austin where he specifically mentioned that Goldberg was doing Saudi shows and said that Goldberg didn't even offer him part of his paycheck, which I found to be a really, really weird thing to say. He thinks that Goldberg cost him millions of dollars and he should compensated by him I guess?

I actually remember the main event you brought up. I remember it from watching over the last few years but I also remember watching it live as a kid. It stands out because of how weird it was. It was also right after Steve McMichael became a Horsemen and he was very green in this match. To be fair, Mongo was never good in the ring. He was a solid character because he could cut a decent promo but his in ring work never really improved that much. Still, early on, it was really bad.

Fair point about Bischoff, but I still would have liked to see what he did with it. He stated on his podcast that the plan was to do a hard reset: strip all championships, brand new storylines, etc. It could very well have tanked. It would've been nice to see him try instead of Vince just buying the promotion and killing it.

At this point, I think the Bloodline stuff is still going specifically to transition Roman to a babyface, which is clearly where this is going. Out of all of them, I do think Jacob Fatu has a lot of potential. He's great in the ring and although he'll never be face of the company, I do think he'll make it far in WWE. I saw somebody on Reddit say that when Roman returns, with him and Cody as the top babyfaces, it may be the closest thing we get to Austin/Rock level characters in terms of how over they are. I don't think it'll be at that level, but as close as WWE is going to get now? Probably.