Liberals are overzealous and quick to accuse.... (a rampage rant page)


Eyes Wide Open
Nov 15, 2001
Bay Area, California
...but conservatives are lazy, ignorant, stone willed ambasadors of the problems that our need for convience have set us up for.

People have suffered for the countless eons that humankind has existed. Greed, Sloth, and all the so-called 'sins' have been catalysts for endless pain and torment upon our species. The nature of our instincts, to overcome and survive, is the root of our neccesity of suffering.

But in the last few hundred years, we have been able to set up a system of people management (government) that has allowed for unprecedented pleasure; a system that has let us forget about the suffering of our fellow man, in exchange for conveniences that let us lead a simple and painless life.

The concept of the United States of America that our forefathers created for us, in their nearly infinite genius, has allowed for ones own work ethic and skills in trade and business to govern ones successes, and ones ability to further raise oneself up from the sea level of suffering which we naturally lie in.

The one thing that our founding fathers didn't anticipate was the dimishing earthly resources that continued consumption would result in.

While we toil in our daily lives, working to further our business and pleasure endeavors, we forget that for every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction. Newton called it his third law. Chinese philosophers called it the Yin and the Yang.

In order to allow for our happy bliss of consumption, others have to suffer to sustain it. However, the beauty in our system allows us be so far removed from that suffering, that we can successfully ignore it--not just pretending that it doesn't exist, but being completely unaware of even the concept of it existing! We enjoy all these gifts (things) without any recognition of the toils and struggles it took to get to where we get to use it.

The conservative mindset enjoys these comforts, and often aknowledges the routes and toils that it took to get there. However, it often forgets the long term impact of these things.

The liberal mindset has a bit of a harder time enjoying these 'things,' as it is a bit more aware of the struggles the things caused to arrive.

We've shot ourself in the foot, as since our system was devised in order to allow for these 'things', comforts, gifts, conviences to be widespread among the people, it is now considered to be disloyal to not blindly enjoy them. To be wary of what lay in the pool. To turn down the fruit.

These conservative mindsets are hurting us as a people. Times are changing. Habits need to be broken. The golden age of the ignorant bliss is over. If we dont change our ways now, there will never be another.
I agree, although I believe there are more factors at hand than that (namely dogmatic religion), but at the same time, I can't help but wonder where that came from. Did you just feel the need to get this out of your system?
See this is why I actually pay attention to the lyrics in nevermore :p

although I lean more toward conservative in some aspects but I also agree with alot of liberal stuff too :ill:
FretsAflame said:
So how is it that a conservative mindset is hurting the human race? You don't quite display how.

A conservative mindset by definition implies a desire for reliance on the norm... status quo... its a fear of change, for we are creatures of routine. There's nothing wrong with routine, unless that routine is dependant on a harmfully comfortable way of life....

I just find that we take our creature comforts too far for granted, and forget what lengths have to be gone by those invisible people to provide for it.

Am I saying we should all be miserable together? No... but we should all realize our way of life is not sustainable.

Loner said:
I agree, although I belive there are more factors at hand than that (namely dogmatic religion), but at the same time, I can't help but wonder where that came from. Did you just feel the need to get this out of your system?

Basically I got into a big argument at a bar, and needed to vent when I got home ;)
One problem I have with North American politics is that they're either all on one side, or all on another. In Canada, the Green Party's focus is not just on environmentalism, but also sustainability, something most parties ignore.
Stormrider1981 said:
So you're not really pleading for any political or social ideology, but rather for an increased awareness? Because awareness stands loose from ideologies.

Absolutely... I'm not asking anyone to adhere to any sort of ideology, particularly one that I, of all people, would suggest. Who am I to tell people what to think?

What I'm asking for is a higher state of awareness, so that people notice the little things that go right by them every moment of every day. From that $1 cup of coffee you drink in the morning, to the clothes on your back, everything you consume and use throughout your day costs a lot, and not just money.

$1 for a cup of coffee is a STEAL (literally) when you realize all the work that went in to getting it to your lips.
darcy said:
One problem I have with North American politics is that they're either all on one side, or all on another. In Canada, the Green Party's focus is not just on environmentalism, but also sustainability, something most parties ignore.

Unfortunately, our US elections system is horribly broken.
A very eloquent and convincing rant, though sure to be discarded by "serious" debaters due to its philosophical bent as opposed to a hard-fact, cold-logic approach. It's a different sort of argument that's sadly ineffective in the current political climate, but valuable when it comes to talking to, well, people. It's people who have to change, before governments can.

I wish I could sum up that kind of passion these days, but I've gotten really cynical since the 2004 election and the "left"'s dismal failure. The Democrats were scared, too paralyzed by defeat and inaction to push the issues, and instead of any of a number of fiery, impassioned candidates who believed what they were selling, they went with a washed-up moderate whose ideals and courage had faded with time. And then they didn't even defend him when his greatest selling point to a war-blinded nation – his strong military record – was defamed by the most paltry lies.

Liberalism has been marginalized on the left and castrated on the center - an effective military tactic by a militant movement. Neo-conservativsm, as practiced by the Bush Administration, is about winning, plain and simple, and reshaping the world in your own image, neighbors and allies be damned. The oppressive ignorance of hardcore Christianity and cold-eyed determination of American conservatism breeds a single-minded dedication to conquest, and the American left just folded. This disheartenment is contagious.

I guess I had a little rant left, after all. I need to find a candidate or a cause who inspires me, because the only fire I get these days is a dull, smoldering frustration at the sheer bullheaded blind stupid malevolence of the people in power, this bullying self-glorification, like the petty tyrants they are.

I miss Howard Dean.
Pyrus said:
A very eloquent and convincing rant, though sure to be discarded by "serious" debaters due to its philosophical bent as opposed to a hard-fact, cold-logic approach. It's a different sort of argument that's sadly ineffective in the current political climate, but valuable when it comes to talking to, well, people. It's people who have to change, before governments can.

I wish I could sum up that kind of passion these days, but I've gotten really cynical since the 2004 election and the "left"'s dismal failure. The Democrats were scared, too paralyzed by defeat and inaction to push the issues, and instead of any of a number of fiery, impassioned candidates who believed what they were selling, they went with a washed-up moderate whose ideals and courage had faded with time. And then they didn't even defend him when his greatest selling point to a war-blinded nation – his strong military record – was defamed by the most paltry lies.

Liberalism has been marginalized on the left and castrated on the center - an effective military tactic by a militant movement. Neo-conservativsm, as practiced by the Bush Administration, is about winning, plain and simple, and reshaping the world in your own image, neighbors and allies be damned. The oppressive ignorance of hardcore Christianity and cold-eyed determination of American conservatism breeds a single-minded dedication to conquest, and the American left just folded. This disheartenment is contagious.

I guess I had a little rant left, after all. I need to find a candidate or a cause who inspires me, because the only fire I get these days is a dull, smoldering frustration at the sheer bullheaded blind stupid malevolence of the people in power, this bullying self-glorification, like the petty tyrants they are.

I miss Howard Dean.

Good rant.
Pyrus said:
A very eloquent and convincing rant, though sure to be discarded by "serious" debaters due to its philosophical bent as opposed to a hard-fact, cold-logic approach. It's a different sort of argument that's sadly ineffective in the current political climate, but valuable when it comes to talking to, well, people. It's people who have to change, before governments can.

I wish I could sum up that kind of passion these days, but I've gotten really cynical since the 2004 election and the "left"'s dismal failure. The Democrats were scared, too paralyzed by defeat and inaction to push the issues, and instead of any of a number of fiery, impassioned candidates who believed what they were selling, they went with a washed-up moderate whose ideals and courage had faded with time. And then they didn't even defend him when his greatest selling point to a war-blinded nation – his strong military record – was defamed by the most paltry lies.

Liberalism has been marginalized on the left and castrated on the center - an effective military tactic by a militant movement. Neo-conservativsm, as practiced by the Bush Administration, is about winning, plain and simple, and reshaping the world in your own image, neighbors and allies be damned. The oppressive ignorance of hardcore Christianity and cold-eyed determination of American conservatism breeds a single-minded dedication to conquest, and the American left just folded. This disheartenment is contagious.

I guess I had a little rant left, after all. I need to find a candidate or a cause who inspires me, because the only fire I get these days is a dull, smoldering frustration at the sheer bullheaded blind stupid malevolence of the people in power, this bullying self-glorification, like the petty tyrants they are.

I miss Howard Dean.

Very perspicuous. Thing is, polarisation, regardless of political leaning, always ends in farce. The solution is not to desperately hope for a left-winger with some zest, but to overthrow and destroy the disease that is crippling the country and eating away at its heart.

Left,'s all the same. Modern politics and democracy in general present us with a neutered and ineffective system. Picking one over the other based on political taste (which is arguably arbitrary) never leads anywhere. My main problem is that trying to organise in a structure that is so clearly a one dimensional line never leaves any scope for real change.