Rome 64 C.E.
What? It's a fucking rooster, how is that ANYTHING like a penis? Get your mind out of the goddamned gutter.
then stop feeding your rooster stuff that makes me spit white stuff when rubbed for extended periods of time

What? It's a fucking rooster, how is that ANYTHING like a penis? Get your mind out of the goddamned gutter.
and rightfully so!
But take comfort in this, Italian society is equally if not much more screwed on so many more ways, ignoring italy's xenophobism is fucking ignorance. There are serious movements there of introducing Alabama style segregation in some parts of the country and cities. The EU, fortunately, steps in and prevents it from being implemented. Italian press and politicians are always looking for scapegoats for their failures, lack of employment opportunities there and other shit. Italy is a romantic place with good wine and culture, but sicne the Roman Empire they have been shit, save for a few guys during Enlightenment and the Renaissance. I take SOME areas of the states over the WHOLE italy even if you would have given me money for it.
Benito Mussolini and his big weenieWe're so extreme we make Mussolini look like a Pussolini
if they do, they now have white stuff in their eyes.LOOK AT MY SWOLLEN COCK
Come on, who didn't see that one coming?
but in a completely heterosexual way.I like your fat cock, Russell.
Well, here's the deal. You are right that Italy has some fucked up shit about it. Government-wise, it's probably worse than the US. No, I take that back....not probably. It IS worse than the US. Italian politicians are scum of the earth and every single person in Italy would not shed one tear if a bomb was dropped on Parliament. But society-wise? No fucking way.
Do you know WHY there is this "Alabama-style" xenophobia, as you called it? Because the floodgates of immigration have opened and as such, the crime rate has skyrocketed here. The final straw was when the Romanian guy raped and murdered the wife of a military officer in Rome. What did the gov't do? They got together all the data, determined where it was coming from, which was mostly Romania, and told them that if they are on a visa here or are here illegally and are deemed a threat to society, they will be booted out of the country. Romania complained that they were being unfairly singled out, that Italy didn't have this policy towards other countries. Italy responded in kind with, "As soon as the other countries start making trouble, we'll kick them out too. We're not going to waste our citizens' tax money on prosecution here. Let their own country handle it."
Italian people are not xenophobic. A little arrogant sometimes, but not xenophobic. They welcome all people into their country AS LONG AS THEY CAN OBEY THE RULES. If you want to come here and start causing trouble, they don't want you here and they are going to kick you out. It's that simple. The attitude here is, "If you want to come here, fine. Welcome. But if you start making a mess and not respecting our way of life, you will be forcibly removed from the premises."
I fail to see how it's a bad thing that the government is acting in the interest of it's own people instead of cowtowing to immigrants. It's the only good thing they've done in a long, long time. In any case, I wasn't speaking about the government. I was speaking about society, AND I wasn't comparing it to Italy. You can't compare the two...apples and oranges.
And guess what, the Italian economy needs Romanians for the same reason American needs Lations.
A moderate society doesn't scapegoat a whole class of people on the actions of a few.
Name any society on earth, and I'll bet it's possible to find a group of people they're scapegoating for some reason.
just because a FEW guys did some shit there, that doesn't mean that romanians have to ride in the back of the bus in verona or to be kicked out from there. and FYI, the guy who killed the military officer's wife didn't rape her, that was blown up by the media to get headlines. It is an assumption Italian society is making about when an immigrant kills a woman, they MUST have raped her. You know who said that? the fucking KKK when a black man committed a crime towards a white woman. Yes, Italy and the EU openned their borders, their fault for it, now they cannot ban romanian citizens from their country nor kick them out. There is no legal way for a romanian to be ILLEGAL in Italy according to international treaty or the convention the EU is run on. After that horendous murder schools banned children of honest romanian immigrants to bring romanian food to school and eat it at lunch, they banned romanian culture from their classrooms. How is that not xenophobic? WHY is italian society and politicians putting all Romanians in the same boat. Why did my aunt get fired after that stabbing for being Romanian and married to an Italian?
And guess what, the Italian economy needs Romanians for the same reason American needs Lations. They need to do the jobs Italians don't want, and at the same time, unemployment rate in italy is sky high.
I agree with you that trouble makers should be kicked out of the country. But they can't really do that under current law, unless they want a big fat law suit at Haga. When Romania tried to deal with the gypsies and beggars in its own way, the EU screamed 'racism, holocaust, hitler' towards romania. Every time Romanian police raided some gypsy settlements at the outskirts of Bucharest that were infested with prostitutoin and organized crim, the EU called is intollerant. Now the EU SHOULD suffer the consequences of being nice to assholes. The EU even spent a few million euros in Romania in an advertisement campaign against discrimination.
Now let me make a clear distinction. Just because someone is a romanian citizen legally, that doesn't mean they are of Romanian ethnicity. Most romanians in italy are gipsies. They are of a different ethnicity with different customs and people who are very narrowminded. Ceausescu, the communist dictator of Romania, built gypsies appartement blocks and gave them all they needed for a decent living like all other romanians, and forced them into schools, and they destroyed the buildings, sold the heating devices, and burned furniture for heating. Romania has tried in many ways to deal with this problem, and now as EU members we pass this problem to the whole Europe, because Europe made us members because they wanted our market for their goods. Now they suffer the consequences.
Last, I'm really not comparing apples to oranges, I'm am comparing the flaws of two societies, and I can tell you that American society in some parts of the country are not as fucked up as Italian society is, and is not anything near what you describe in your original post. American society has its excesses, and so does Italian society. A moderate society doesn't scapegoat a whole class of people on the actions of a few. And If italians were really concerned with crime they should start with their prime minister, not with some lowly romanian that is too fucked to afford food anywhere because EUROPEAN social services, are so shitty and there are no jobs for them, and the EU didn't help Romania deal with its post communist social problems before lifting its travel restrictions.
Yeah but I like DW too much to tell him.