Liberals are overzealous and quick to accuse.... (a rampage rant page)

Brooks said:
A conservative mindset by definition implies a desire for reliance on the norm... status quo... its a fear of change, for we are creatures of routine. There's nothing wrong with routine, unless that routine is dependant on a harmfully comfortable way of life....

I just find that we take our creature comforts too far for granted, and forget what lengths have to be gone by those invisible people to provide for it.

Am I saying we should all be miserable together? No... but we should all realize our way of life is not sustainable.

Basically I got into a big argument at a bar, and needed to vent when I got home ;)

But how is our way of life harmfully comfortable? I take it you don't buy into capitalism.
derek said:
Very perspicuous. Thing is, polarisation, regardless of political leaning, always ends in farce. The solution is not to desperately hope for a left-winger with some zest, but to overthrow and destroy the disease that is crippling the country and eating away at its heart.

Left,'s all the same. Modern politics and democracy in general present us with a neutered and ineffective system. Picking one over the other based on political taste (which is arguably arbitrary) never leads anywhere. My main problem is that trying to organise in a structure that is so clearly a one dimensional line never leaves any scope for real change.

....And this is part of why I said our election system is broken. At this point, if you don't side with either one of the big two parties, you won't get anywhere.
I'd like to see political parties abolished (thought I realize it won't happen), let politicians run on their own belifs and convictions instead of adapting the default opinions of their party.