Life after the IMBB General Chat

Ray_M said:
The NJ Clan still rules!! \m/\m/ You loved the clan more than the clan did!!:tickled: One of you freakin ninnies made that whole thing up about a clan(I think it was superconductor/digitalman who came up with it when Carla was still posting). One of the funniest bits ever on the internet!! Absolutely classic imho. God(or GAWD)we had so much fun with that clan thing. I do miss that I will say. Ya gotta admit, we had almost the entire board believing there was actually a clan that ran the board. We even came up with the shortened set list for the North American Maiden Tour as well!! Our influence was enormous!! :D
I don't care about the origin of its usage on the bb. I only use "NJ clan" instead of say.. NJ group.
Of course I still miss the good old days... and we're talking 99-01 here. After that period things got worse.

A big fuck off to Skunk for ruining the board.

PMF - Thanks for the hint, I'll keep that in mind. My local shop has lots of mid price rock/pop CDs, so if I'm lucky...

Ah yes, the Clan. I think there certainly was a group of individuals who had more rights that others and who, in their overwhelming self-importance, sort of annoyed the fuck out of people and were a main reason for the board's downfall. Without the Clan, there wouldn't have been The Alliance either. The Alliance was created to stand against everything that was "The Clan". We were against high moderation, we were against the sheep attitude. We encouraged people to think with their brains and start expanding their musical views... in some way we had little success, but I guess The Iron Maiden BB was not the right place for free speech and musical openmindness. If you listened to anything lighter than Maiden, you were a "gayboy" and a "poser".
Despite the fact that I got on with and liked several of the NJ clan it's totally true that they got away with bloody anything and everything. So many people got banned cos of the NJ lot shit-stirring too.

Anyhow, I do miss the old board cos it was so much fun and there was always someone on there to mess about with and have a laugh regardless of the time. Now everyone's split up over a whole load of boards... it's just not the same.
i just wish that more of the peeps from the classic days would jump ship over here and make this place a bit more like home...but for now its good!
Yeah, it was Digital Man who came up with "the Clan". "The Clan", however, went from being a fictional entity to being a very real group of people who were held to a different level of moderation than the rest of the BB. By that point, I wasn't posting nearly as much as I had previously, so I didn't worry too much about it.

Remember "the Educated Fool", who was continually posting about his rather pathetic personal problems on the BB---at first he got a bit of sympathy, then it just got old.

99-01 was far and away the best time for that BB. It wasn't heavily moderated, but then again there weren't all those idiots continually spamming the board, either.
I first showed up at the BB about this time in '00. Those were the best days by far. The first thread I ever posted that actually got closed was a poll entitled something like 'Who Kisses Kelly's Ass the Most' and I listed all these people I'd never even heard of that were posting in a pants thread. heehee

Hey, Ray. Where's Goose been hanging out?
The Navigator said:
Hey, Ray. Where's Goose been hanging out?

Keeping in mind the everincreasing speed of his mental regression, I'd say he's probably in the Stone Age right now. Damn simpleton. :lol:

Good to see you here, Nav. Do you still hang out on some other forum besides this one?
I see some of you are still the same little shitstains your mothers can`t get rid of. The Clan members did not have any special rights over anyone else on that board. Geez, you still believe in that?? Do you know how many warnings I got???


Only 1 warning because the moderators there understood that most of the bullshit was started by one of you guys. They moderated the BB not me. I was only on that board during the same evening hours after work. Not like some of you that spent hours upon hours bashing everyone. I could`ve easily ignored 100% of the crap you guys called me, but what fun would that be? You guys also started bashing people you`ve never met and were/are so wrong about.

Btw, Goose is still around somewhere on the internet.

I could see the good old days becoming a memory fast in early 2001 which is why I made an extra effort with Carla 3 and the baby oil threads.
Hey Ben. I don't really have a fixed home right now. Just a few random music places (like here.) And some writing BBs. You think people on the IM board are whiny idiots? Try telling some 50 year-old lady who mistakenly wanders into a splatterpunk board that her poem about her mastectomy sucks and watch her entire life unravel. It's like that one flipflop quote that John Silver has, but constantly on.