Life after the IMBB General Chat

quote:Try telling some 50 year-old lady who mistakenly wanders into a splatterpunk board that her poem about her mastectomy sucks and watch her entire life unravel.

John Silver said:

Electric Eye had this poll called "Vote for the biggest piece of shit". Kelly won easily, recieving 46% of all votes.
Ah yes, I remember that poll well. I only got 4 votes!

And yes I remember Kelly gushing about it and even being proud in a silly way about her shitcrown and the mods closed once it was made clear to her that the title wasn't an honor; right about that same time I remember Kelly owing and refusing Nav an apology too.:lol: What days.
The Navigator said:
Hey Ben. I don't really have a fixed home right now. Just a few random music places (like here.) And some writing BBs. You think people on the IM board are whiny idiots? Try telling some 50 year-old lady who mistakenly wanders into a splatterpunk board that her poem about her mastectomy sucks and watch her entire life unravel. It's like that one flipflop quote that John Silver has, but constantly on.

Hahahaha... I can easily imagine that. Damn I miss Flippy too. He was one of the biggest whiners I've ever seen and a big hypocrite at the same time. I wonder if he and that girl he accidentally got pregnant are still together.
The Navigator said:
Hey Ben. I don't really have a fixed home right now. Just a few random music places (like here.) And some writing BBs. You think people on the IM board are whiny idiots? Try telling some 50 year-old lady who mistakenly wanders into a splatterpunk board that her poem about her mastectomy sucks and watch her entire life unravel. It's like that one flipflop quote that John Silver has, but constantly on.
Now how'd that happen?
Tangerine Dreamer said:
Hahahaha... I can easily imagine that. Damn I miss Flippy too. He was one of the biggest whiners I've ever seen and a big hypocrite at the same time. I wonder if he and that girl he accidentally got pregnant are still together.
At some point they'll get tired of smiling sweetly at each other and bring out the knives. The sweet nothings will be replaced by snide remarks and sarcastic comments. Both of them have this problem of trying to hide their meaness and bitterness behind this sugary cutesy wutesy mask.

I remember this post from Slutty angel where she said..

what I love about flippy is the all the little things he does, like when he calls me outside while I'm in the middle of something to point to the sky and show me how beautiful the stars are.

I'm paraphrasing but its almost exactly what she said. There are lots of flirts on the bb but nothing made me as ill as that one sentence.
John Silver said:
I remember this post from Slutty angel where she said..

what I love about flippy is the all the little things he does, like when he calls me outside while I'm in the middle of something to point to the sky and show me how beautiful the stars are.

I'm paraphrasing but its almost exactly what she said. There are lots of flirts on the bb but nothing made me as ill as that one sentence.

God, that's awful. Makes me wanna puke my guts out. :ill:
Leave flipflop and Maiden Angel alone, they may have done sickeningly sweet things on the BB but they sure as hell weren't the only ones. Anyway, I think that thing about the stars is sweet.
Lady Vampy said:
Leave flipflop and Maiden Angel alone, they may have done sickeningly sweet things on the BB.
Leave them alone? erm.. they didn't simply post sweet things, they were also consistently the nastiest people ever on the history of the bb. They stirred shit more than most people but never admitted to it.
:lol: This thread is hilarious. No wonder Maiden fans get branded as geeks.
TravisW said:
Remember "the Educated Fool", who was continually posting about his rather pathetic personal problems on the BB---at first he got a bit of sympathy, then it just got old.

I liked him though.

(not KH. Ran Mori)
John Silver said:
Leave them alone? erm.. they didn't simply post sweet things, they were also consistently the nastiest people ever on the history of the bb. They stirred shit more than most people but never admitted to it.
Well they were never nasty to me and I liked them both.
That truly is sick, I mean I have flirted with every single female member of the MAiden board and I have used some crap lines but this is just appalling. I'm gonna expel my dinner now. o_O

John Silver said:
what I love about flippy is the all the little things he does, like when he calls me outside while I'm in the middle of something to point to the sky and show me how beautiful the stars are.

I'm paraphrasing but its almost exactly what she said. There are lots of flirts on the bb but nothing made me as ill as that one sentence.
IainDuncanSmith said:
That truly is sick, I mean I have flirted with every single female member of the MAiden board and I have used some crap lines but this is just appalling. I'm gonna expel my dinner now. o_O

You flirted with all but one. Maybe more than just one missing in the line, but one I know.
IainDuncanSmith said:
That truly is sick, I mean I have flirted with every single female member of the MAiden board and I have used some crap lines but this is just appalling. I'm gonna expel my dinner now. o_O
LMFAO That's one of the funniest things I've ever seen you write. However, I know you're an old romantic at heart aren't you hun?