Life after the IMBB General Chat

I don't think calling someone outside to show them the stars constitutes as 'flirting'. By then they would have at rooted at least once, so flirting wouldn't have been necessary :p
Tangerine Dreamer said:
Of course I still miss the good old days... and we're talking 99-01 here. After that period things got worse.

A big fuck off to Skunk for ruining the board.

PMF - Thanks for the hint, I'll keep that in mind. My local shop has lots of mid price rock/pop CDs, so if I'm lucky...

Ah yes, the Clan. I think there certainly was a group of individuals who had more rights that others and who, in their overwhelming self-importance, sort of annoyed the fuck out of people and were a main reason for the board's downfall. Without the Clan, there wouldn't have been The Alliance either. The Alliance was created to stand against everything that was "The Clan". We were against high moderation, we were against the sheep attitude. We encouraged people to think with their brains and start expanding their musical views... in some way we had little success, but I guess The Iron Maiden BB was not the right place for free speech and musical openmindness. If you listened to anything lighter than Maiden, you were a "gayboy" and a "poser".

And you wanna know what's funny? A few of the "Clan" & Alliance people united for a meet-up at Jones Beach this summer! So, nope...they aren't rival gangs doing drive-bys at each others houses fighting on who keeps Eddie as their gang mascot. LOL
John Silver said:
Leave them alone? erm.. they didn't simply post sweet things, they were also consistently the nastiest people ever on the history of the bb. They stirred shit more than most people but never admitted to it.

Oh, come now...I think ALL of us have been guilty of stirring some shit at one time or another. LOL
TxBraSlinger said:
And you wanna know what's funny? A few of the "Clan" & Alliance people united for a meet-up at Jones Beach this summer! So, nope...they aren't rival gangs doing drive-bys at each others houses fighting on who keeps Eddie as their gang mascot. LOL

Well I guess world's full of miracles, eh?
"The Alliance" was a term I made up... it was meant to be a joke, but after I and several other regulars saw more and more of that Clan-crap going on, we realized there was a need for somekind of group to stand against what they (The Clan) presented.
Anyway, it's cool if people from both "sides" can interact in real life. I have no problem with that.
Tangerine Dreamer said:
Well I guess world's full of miracles, eh?
"The Alliance" was a term I made up... it was meant to be a joke, but after I and several other regulars saw more and more of that Clan-crap going on, we realized there was a need for somekind of group to stand against what they (The Clan) presented.
Anyway, it's cool if people from both "sides" can interact in real life. I have no problem with that.
"The Clan" also, was a made up term. It however, was made up because someone actually believed there was a clan. It was used as a joke by the so-called clan members for much of the GC life. Right up until the end to be precise. \m/\m/ There really wasn`t any "clan crap" going on other than just a few people from NY, NJ, PA, TX and the UK having some fun with the idiotic idea of someone who thought it truly existed. For the most part, some of those people from the states and the UK actually do get together in person for some real life fun and chatting. Yes, the Clan and Alliance members do get together occasionally and do get along quite well together.

I think we(the clan)did a great job of getting Iron Maiden fans from all parts of the world together in person and always had a great time. This past tour was a bit of a strain for some I feel. Travel plans, hotels, local travel plans, food, BBQ stuff and all that crap that goes along with it made it a bit stressful for some, but we did manage to get off one of the greatest tailgate parties ever assembled. And that will always be remembered by those 60 - 70 BB`ers that showed up.
dreamwatch said:
MRBEAST!!!!! :D :D :D :D I've missed you!!! :D Hope you're doing well. :D

I have to make this quick because I'm at work. :(


ya know that unlike most folks i know you 2 have no free time-thats why i havent written ya any novels and i know when youve been online cuz i watch yer blood count;) i love ya both and there's nobody online i trust more or that spoils me so much :cool:

i was doing better 2 minutes ago but i just started myself on fire and got a good burn... for the most part im doing exceptionally well, only downside is my brother has gotten well enough to be semi active and he's moveing around and not takeing his medication and he's rapidly turning full blown psycho again-which means he is well enough to be staying in his own house so he is supposedly going home in a week or 2 and if he isnt gone then im leaven and wont have any net access.

im workin the california recall election tomorrow and once or twice a month im workin for jimi's stepdad helping him haul shit and set it up at camera swapmeets til jimi gets back from NY in december. i was given 8 minolta vectis gx-3's on saturday and i saw that blue and green plastic and the film in the packages looked like cheap 35mm stuff... i hadnt really looked at um at all so i just assumed they were trash $10 cameras from kmart so when all the gang started asking if they could have one i told everybody go ahead... wasnt til later i looked at the 1 i kept and realised they wernt anything like i assumed they were and i coulda got a couple bucks for um...
Nightwing said:
Well, if you're not against 'em, you're with 'em, right, TX??

I'm not against or with anyone, really. If I like you, I'll talk to you. If I don't, I won't. Doesn't matter who you hang around w/, what you believe in,etc.
TxBraSlinger said:
I'm not against or with anyone, really. If I like you, I'll talk to you. If I don't, I won't. Doesn't matter who you hang around w/, what you believe in,etc.
I was only joking TX - I was just paraphrasing Mr.Bush.......rather badly I might add......... :lol:
Nightwing said:
I was only joking TX - I was just paraphrasing Mr.Bush.......rather badly I might add......... :lol:

Oh! Duh! That went right over my head. That's what I get for posting after staying up all night at work. LOL
LOL!!! :OMG:

I came to this BB by chance. It's been over 2 years now and you guys are still talking about the Clan. And yes, the term in the Maiden BB context originated from me, to piss off certain people of, let's just say, a similar disposition -- and it worked. I can't believe it got taken so far, that's great. Anyways, have fun!!
Hi Mark, just spent 6 months in your beautiful country and New Zealand. Had a blast.

Good to see some old faces again, even those I might not have gotten along with.
TravisW said:
99-01 was far and away the best time for that BB. It wasn't heavily moderated, but then again there weren't all those idiots continually spamming the board, either.

This is so true. I miss those days, but heck, what can you do??? I honestly have some good memories from those days.