New Metal Member
Jan 24, 2002
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Ok, so since some of you suckers are probably lacking tremendous amounts of vitamin D due to lack of exposure to the outside (a.k.a. real) world and the light of day, I thought I'd encourage you to name a few things you do in your daily life, in those rare moments you're away from your computer. Name things you like, things you hate, things you're looking forward to, your daily routine, etc. Also, time yourself! Time how many hours (ok, minutes:Smug:) you actually manage to be away from here!

I'll start:

-I get out of bed everyday around 7:45am and catch my bus downtown at 8:32am. Then I have a long ass 8.5 hour day at work (won't get into the boring details), get back home around 6:15pm and go straight to the gym.
-I lost 6kg in the last couple of months!
-I work with the homeless and even though I am getting seriously burned out and bitch about it every opportunity I can, I love my job.
-I teach a Job Readiness Training class to my clients at work and have "specialist" at the end of my job title, which scares me to death!
-I have become a half decent public speaker due to my job.
-I have a very thorough dental hygiene ritual that takes about 15 minutes, every night.
-I've been drinking a lot:zombie:
-I have recently rediscovered metal shows and have been having the time of my life at them.
-I am about to move in with an amazing friend and am really looking forward to it.
-I have a crush on a very hot guy. A major crush. Actually, I am completely in love:oops:
-I visit with my grandma every night and I love her to death.
-My mom and I really don't get along.
-I am flying back to Brazil in December for 3 weeks and am dreading seeing her.
-I have been having very productive, but completely exhausting meetings with my boss.
-I watch Gossip Girl :)blush:) and am a die hard Lost fan.
-I pick out what I am going to wear the next day every night before I go to bed but often change my mind in the morning.
-I can get very flirty when I'm drunk... or mean.
-I've been going to the climbing gym a lot and eating beer and nachos afterwards.

I could keep going but this is too long already... But most importantly, I haven't visited this forum in 24 hours!!!

Now you:)
You seem happy with your life, good for you. Didn't you say your employer at the homeless shelter might let you off? I think it is great you work well helping other people. I wouldn't have the patience, haha
-I'm currently taking 18 credits this semester, the second-to-last semester I will be in college
-I'm also working 20 hours a week at my work-study job, the most I'm allowed to work by the federal government. Believe me, I would work more if I could.
-I'm on the air on WSOU on Tuesday mornings from 6-10 AM. Morning drive-time radio is as fun as you think it is.
-I'm also on the air on Thursday nights doing my Christian metal specialty show, Out of Babylon. I recently started playing white metal (Christian black metal) bands like Antestor, Holy Blood, and Slechtvalk. Listener response has been enormous.
-I've had a pretty crazy show calendar these past two months, including seeing CoB three times. It's only going to get more crazy as the seasons change.
-I'm going home for Thanksgiving next month, and for Christmas the following month. I really don't want to, but family obligations are just that - obligatory. I'm trying to make the visits as short as possible.
-Finally, I'm visiting Marie in two days.

^^Yeah, the funding for my position in getting cut, but it seems something will be figured out...:) And no, my life sucks for the most part, but sometimes I try to stay positive :p :lol:
Uh, that'd be me? :p Yeah, nothing has changed. But hopefully after I come back from my vacation in January things will have been magically fixed!
:lol:! Well I just said "the other woman" cuz I didn't want to give away the entire situation :p
Tell him what you want for christmas and then maybe it WILL be magically fixed :oops:
Yeah, one more thing to add to my list: I'm a homewrecker during my spare time!

Just kidding:p :lol:

Anyway, I need to shower and eat some dinner now. You have fun;)

Excellent thread, Cris.

Since leaving/losing my job, my life has become a bit more....sedentary than normal.

-Roll out of bed whenever I feel like it (between 9am-12pm)
-Make myself breakfast usually consisting of either oatmeal and fruit or toast and peanut butter
-spend roughly 1-1.5 hours checking the vitals (facebook, myspace, COB-OT, reddit, the emails, etc.) and listening to music
-watch a couple of episodes various television shows I've downloaded
-go to the gym or jog
-eat lunch
-return home to watch more tv shows
-eat dinner
-chat with a particular female I've been working on for the last 2 weeks or so (more details on that to come after Halloween weekend :p )
Weekdays :
-I wake up around 6:00, 6:30
-I check MSN and write silly good morning messages to Chris just to annoy him
-I shower
-I get dressed and have breakfast and brush my teeth
-I leave for college and brush my hair in the car
-When I get back from college, I read COBOT and talk to ppl on msn
-I play guitar whenever I feel like it
-I help my brother do homework
-I go to bed around 1:30 or 2:00, depending of how tired I am

Weekends :
- I wake up whenever (usually between 12:00 and 4:00 PM)
- I have breakfast
- I shower, brush my teeth/hair, do other stuff like that and get dressed.
- Then band rehearsal
- Then I have dinner
- I just do whatever I feel like doing, which involves talking to Chris on MSN a lot
- Sometimes I actually go to my job and work.
- I go to bed whenever I feel like going to bed.

Chris is coming to visit me this weekend, it'll be a really different weekend lol.
- Wake up at 6:30 Am to go to school
- comeback and maybe some math tutoring and guitar lessons
- dinner
- Guitar for at least 1 half hours, sometimes more
- hw till mostly 2 in the morning
- get 4 and a half hour sleep
- repeat

ocassionally i get 7 hours of sleep.

on the weekends i do whatever i feel like so no particular schedule.
Monday - friday:

- I get up at 6:00, take on clothes, have breakfast and brush my teeth.
- I walk to the bus at 6:55, then I arrive at school at 7:25.
- I leave school mostly at 12:55, sometimes 13:45 and on thursdays at 16:15.
- I have dinner and after that I check my emails, the forum, myspace and other things like that (about 2 hours)
- at around 16, I go outside and walk around somewhere, most of the days.
- after that, I sit in front of computer again (about 2 hours again)
- at 19:00 I always have dinner, and after that I use the computer again (one hour)
- at 22, I finally go to bed then.

Yes, it's sad how often I use the computer...:(


- I get up between 10:30 and 11:30, then I take on clothes and brush my teeth.
- I have breakfast.
- I check internet-thingies.
- I don't know what happens after that...always depends on my mood, the weather and other things. ;)

Edit: Yes, it definitly sounds like I don't have a life... but don't worry, it's not like that every day of course. Most of the days I do other things too, but that depends on my mood, weather and so on, just like it is at my weekends. :p

Edit 2: Oh, I can also mention things I'm looking forward to? uhm, I'm always looking forward to every third weekend, and I'm looking forward to meet some people and go out with them, 'cause I need that sometimes. And I'm also looking forward to winter, Amsterdam-going, my camera (so that I can take some pictures in my free time, instead of sitting here so often), aaaaaaaand many many many other things. :)

-Gtfo of bed and start showering which takes me half an hour
-Breakfast, compy/hw time till 6:45
-School time for 7-8 hours D:
-Get back from hell and do some hw and study for an hour or 2
-Hang out with people for 2-3 hours
-back to showering
-off to bed

-Wake the fuck up
-get ready
-go shopping or sit my ass on the computer
-hang out with friends for hours
-possibly sleep over their house or just go back home, shower and sleep.
Let's routine
- Get up at 6:45, get dressed
- Out of the house by 7:00, drive to work with either my mother or in my own car depending whether or not I have class after work
- At work by 7:30
- Do whatever my mother needs or go visiting other teachers until 8:20
- Depending what class I get for the day depends on what I do: Little kids demands that I play and a lot of interactions throughout the day; Older kids is a lot more fun and a lot easier because for the most part I can conduct my day mostly sitting down; Today I am an art teacher so first period will be easy, the rest of the day is filled with 4 and 5 year olds which will be both fun and demanding
- Lunch is almost always between 11:05-11:35
- Sign out of work at 3:05, either drive home with mom or drive to class
- If its a day I have class, such as today, I get to school by 3:45 and I sit in class from 4-6PM usually on my laptop as to not die of boredom from my one very old professor
- If I don't have class, I go home and ride my bicycle for a while and then nap, I almost always nap after work because little kids eat my life energy and I'm absolutely exhausted. If I don't nap then I read or watch taped telanovelas with my mother (yes, I'm with my mother a lot)
- After I get home from class or wake up from my nap I eat dinner
- After dinner I might shower, it depends on whether or not I want to wash my hair
- Then I usually go watch TV while on the laptop until about 11 or later, then I go to bed

Typical Saturday:
- Get up at 10, get dressed
- 10:40 drive to the restaurant (my father owns a restaurant)
- 11 open the restaurant
- 11-4 sit in the restaurant and do some homework, eating, chatting online and a whole lot of nothing, maybe wait on a customer
- 4 drive home, feed mom
- 5-7:15 napping or watching TV or hanging out with people
- 7:15 drive up to school, to the radio station
- 8-midnight I appear as the lovely Ms. Scarlett on 89.5FM WSOU, there are usually friends to entertainment
- midnight, drive home and go to sleep

Of course this schedule is completely different when I don't work or on the weekends. I don't usually go out much. If I do go out, its usually when I'm already at school or on Sunday or Saturday. I am looking forward to a NJ Devils game on Friday night with my friend as well as lots of Haunted House stuff that I'm working on next week and then its a cruise from Puerto Rico to a lot of islands :)