Oh yes, another chapter in the book of life


Violator of Sheep
Jan 21, 2003
Seattle/Tacoma (Browns Point), WA
I don't feel like retyping everything so I'm just going to copy and paste the shit from another forum, that I posted.

For starters, I got laid off:

I worked as an Account Executive in the Seattle area for a staffing agency.

I went through four interviews to get this job and I got it in January. Keep in mind that they interviewed for this job for four months. Well, everything was fine and dandy. I was working in the Tacoma office and I enjoyed my job. Then I was told that we were relocating to the corporate office in Renton. I was eager because I was going to be working with Mike.

Well, my first day in Renton, Mike and Julie (the bitch of an owner) came to a mutual agreement that it would be in the best interest for the company if Mike was to leave. I knew it was coming and it pissed me off because now, I was the only male in the office and I wanted to work with him. After Mike left, Julie started to become a total fucking bitch. She would get on my case about EVERYTHING. I would be getting new accounts/job orders and she would still continue to bitch at me.

Last Friday, I was going to leave early. Well, we had an injury at one of our clients' workplace. An employee had smashed his finger pretty badly in a roller mechanism. So, I, out of my own time, picked him up and took him to the hospital. It was so bad that he couldn't drive. I get him to the Emergency Room and make sure that he is taken care of, then I go home. Colette, who was my trainer, thanked me multiple times for doing that. I had no problem with it whatsoever. Well, I get to work on Monday and Colette thanks me again. Not one fucking thank you from Julie.

I got about seven job orders this week and some new clients. I even contacted some prospects who will become potential clients in the near future. Colette praised me multiple times on how I am good on the phone marketing and that I have a good success rate at it. What did Julie do? Bitch about how I wasn't producing. I brought probably $15,000 into this company in one week. Keep in mind that this isn't a huge staffing agency. We only service the Puget Sound area. $15,000 is a lot to this company.

So, Jin, who's a recruiter, came up to me today and said "You wanna go home early? I wanna leave early today." So, we all left early. I was driving home from work and noticed a missed call on my cell phone. It was my work. I called it back and Jin answered. Julie popped on the phone and said "Steve, Jin forgot that I was coming back to the office this afternoon and I wanted to have a talk with you. Today, is your last day here." I replied with 'I got like, seven job orders today and I got potential clients today....why?' "Because you only made seventeen marketing calls today." That pissed me off because that was untrue. I was about to say 'Listen here you fucking bitch...' but I didn't. I kept my cool and remained cordial. I simply said 'Actually Julie, not to argue with you, but I made seventeen calls through the Renton database. I called over fifty people in the Tacoma database. I focused on Tacoma today which has potential.' Well, she didn't give a flying fuck.

I was planning on paying off my student loan from 2002 (it's not that much...under $1,000), enrolling into ITT Tech and then doing an internship at Microsoft. Well now, I'm unemployed and fucked at the moment. I have bills to pay and I was in the process of buying a new vehicle, but now that's fucked for me too. I don't understand what I did wrong. I did my job and then some...and received no appreciation. And another thing, Julie was probably more pissed off at men because Adam put in his two weeks last week because he got a new position as a recruiter for Microsoft. This is bullshit and I don't know what I'm going to do, other than look for another job.

So yea, I'm sitting here updating my resume and having a Vodka Tonic. What a wonderful day.

Then I got into college:

Yea, so I got into college yesterday.

I was in college in 2002 and have been thinking about going back recently. My whole plan was that I was going to try to get into college and then quit my job. But due to my circumstances, I won't get the sastisfaction of quitting because the dumb cunt of an owner laid me off.

When I still worked for the hooker from hell, I contacted my old college and a Financial Aid representative from ITT. I contacted my college to see if I still had my loan out there. I wasn't in college long before I had to drop my classes, in 2002. My loan total was only about $650. The ITT Financial Aid rep told me that I would probably have to pay the loan off first. I was aware of this.

Well, Thursday night, I set myself up an appointment to meet with somebody from ITT. I met with him and we discussed the courses that were available. We came to the conclusion that CNS/ISS (Networking/Internet Security) is most likely the best field for myself. We spoke about my loan in the past and stuff as well. We went out for a smoke and he's like "Worst case scenario, your loan is in default and you'll have to pay that before you can enroll here." I knew this.

We get back in his office and he said that he'd be right back, he was going to go talk to the Financial Aid office. A couple of minutes later, he comes back in and says "What do you want to hear first, the good news? Or the bad news?" I went with the bad first. "The bad news is that you start school here at ITT Tech June 14th." I'm just looking at him then I manage to squeeze out 'You're shitting me....' He was like "I'm not shitting you." So, I ask what the good news is. He said that my loan wasn't in default and was paid in full. Now, I don't know how the fuck it was paid in full. I think the college may have paid it or something, because it was paid a month after I dropped my classes and moved to Portland.

Anyways, we do some paperwork and then I go to the Registar for the test. I hate timed tests....I always get nervous when there is a time limit. She told me not to rush. She said that there were 50 questions and 12 minutes. You're lucky to make it through half of the questions, she said. If you make it through half, you're kicking ass, pretty much...unless you're skipping questions and/or guessing. Well, I made it to question 40 before time ran out. I go back in the main Registar office and await my results. She said "Congratulations, you passed." I asked what my score was, but supposedly they're not allowed to tell you. She said that I did 'very, very well'. And there I was, nervous that I had failed. Wow, I guess I am more intelligent than some people think, aren't I?

So, yea......ride this rollercoaster that we call life. Up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down....up..........hopefully it'll stop soon!

Congratulations man. Im still in high school, worrying about college. Sucks. Glad to hear your ITT app. went well. AND its payed in full. Thats the sound of a new bottle of vodka and rum opening... along with the cheers of 4 close friends... speaking from experience.
yup, Steve always comes up with something interesting :) This bitch is defenetly a lesbian and hates men, you should phone her and tell her few kind words...

and remember, lifes a bitch, so all you gotta do is to be a pimp
oh course we will take pics JUST FOR YOU
(pinches delts cheeks) oh isnt he just precious