Life's little pleasures

Rune Fairy

Mistress of Dragons
What are some of the little things in life that mean the most to you?

For me...laying in the grass looking up at the stars with my love...or sitting on a rock by the lake.

Just today I was out with a couple of ppl, when all of a sudden it began to rain. We crawled through the low branches of a small bush and found shelter under the pine and spruce trees, sitting on rocks until the rain let up. I could have stayed there all day, in our little hidden paradise...


Nothing gives me more than listening to music!
And I LOVE seeing bands live!

And, sometimes I am lucky enough to meet people
I really-really like, and sometimes start loving! :eek:)
I love it when I meet people that I can connect with.
Doesn't happen often, but when it does.....

But really, these are not small things for me, these
are things that I take very seriously, and well... LOVE!
little pleasures.....
being close to nature feeling completely calm is my favourite little pleasure....especially when it comes after periods when i feel stressed or depressed....
This easter day i felt like that...i was away from my shitty town,sitting under a tree in a beach,listening to the sound of the sea and feeling the breeze on my face....I was writting a letter to someone who is very special to me and felt so calmly.....i only wished he was there with me at that moment :cry:
I love meeting new people because I get tired of people quite easy.unless we have a lot in common and share stuff
I love meeting people who come to Mexico to see the mayan ruins and stuff like that because they are not here to get drunk and laid
I also love reading a good book while listening to a good metal album
I suppose there are few LITTLE pleasures that enrich my life, or at least make me feel better. I'm just not easily entertained it might be ;) It needs something really nice to make me at least equal happy hehe (or someone ;) The persons that's pointed at already understand :) )

Can't say I'm ever anxious on waiting for things (again, that doesn't work for things concerning one person hehe), cause they will come eventually.

Guess I'm just cold in such cases :confused: quite bland on this point...i guess...i would have to say hanging with my brother....and armouring are the only things i enjoy anymore...and i like this forum body has become a shell of little emotion spite of i get little pleasure anymore
Small things...... hmmm...... the rain drumming on the roof....... funnyshaped clouds............ watching the moon and the stars......... thinking about weird and abtract things that suddenly just pop up into my head, like how weird it is, when you're driving in the dark, and you're just sitting still inside this box, doing nothing, and there's nothing to see, and then all of a sudden you are in a totally different place!! But to think about how it must be for plane pilots then....... hehehe....... :) ......... girl nights with my best friend, putting on make-up, either on ourselves or on each others, and taking pictures of it, then taking it off again, and putting on masks, and drinking tea and eating biscuits.............. gløgg and nuts and oranges............ snowcrystals............... snowangels and snowmen........... making a fire outside at winter......... bathing in the mountain ponds and sitting in the small streams (hihihi).............

That was some small things that can make me smile....... The big things....... My Love!! :)
Hehe, good to see some many things that make you happy, Fjell. Anyway, I need to get going, some food still and then off for work, nice day still (and your inbox's full ;) )

So long!
@Ziu: Well, I kinda had to let small things make me happy; guess it's kind of a self protection thing. Else there would be nothing....... nothing to keep me alive............ -Until that person came along, that is :)
Little pleasures? hmmm... there are too many, really.
Lately I found that looking at and talking to Swedish girls is quite
nice (yeah, I know all you girls are gonna go bananas now, but I
just can't help myself after what I experienced last night) :)

Apart from that, there's always a cup of coffee and a book, music,
being outside in the summertime, making images etc etc... I dunno
really. But if we are talking about things that are usually seen upon
as trivial, I must say that I do appreciate even the smallest of
things in life. I've learned that to be one of the most important
things to keep in touch with your true self. Kinda hard to explain
this stuff... I'm sure you know what I mean.
Life is so busy, so for me, digging in the garden is one of life's little pleasures I enjoy. I pick up and talk to the lizards, frogs and snakes that protect my garden. OK, I know that sounds foolish, but they really are kindred little spirits and they know that I appreciate them there. Without them I'd have to use chemicals on my plants.
You know,'s the little critters that make the world go 'round. :)

Personally...I enjoy watching the birds, especially the little family who built a nest above my balcony. All day long, both the "mother" and "father" bird take turns guarding the nest while the other fetches food for the little guys. It's really nice to see how devoted they are to their babies. :)
little pleasures...well...cold rain after a much too hot day,listening to my favourite music,looking at the stars,being together with my love,honest laughing,honest compliments,the silence of the night after a loud day full of work and anger...yeah,tha´t all...for the moment.