Lights Out Finished!!!

Mick Moss

Apr 12, 2002
Thank fuck for that!!

That was a tough month, now the magazines and general public can rip it to shreds cause it sounds like a cross between Death Angel / The Lightning Seeds

Keep an eye on antimatter dot tk, in the coming weeks therell be a sample of a track and then closer to the time a full track to download, plus details of release dates and ordering info

Cheers pervs

can we have some more details already, how does it sounds like, tracklist, your comments on the tracks?

fuck cant wait!

oh and i have a question bout it, its done with a real drum now eh? and who played it? :D

Cheers mates!
yeah, sorry I never graced the ould place to pour me aunties holy water over the masters and recite a decade of the rosary to make sure all turns out well. Hopefully y'all said a quick our father before ye finished??
cant wait ....

gonna buy them both CD's together ...
Too many records to buy in the next few month !! Opeht,Katatonia,LOA Live ... many of my fave bands are releasing albums at the same time !

Hey Duncan and Mick ? Any concerts planned in the next few month ? What about a little gig in Paris ;)
Yeah me Pieter mate !

The New York Irving Plaza reunion shows were recorded and filmed. They are currently being mixed by some Biohazard folks and it's gonna be realeased on CD,VHS and DVD pretty soon !

Isn't it some fucken great piece of news ???

Now let's hope there"s gonna be some european shows and a full new studio album ... fingers crossed ... or just a keith caputo solo gig here in France or in Belgium. I'm dying to see him live , missed him the only time he played in France :mad:
BTW the other"s guys new project sux IMO , among thieves (alan roberts' ) is shitty melodic punk rock and Steremud ( Joey Z' ) is nu-metal , decent stuff but nothing special. some nice heavy atmospheric tunes tho , In the vein of Tool ...
And as far as i remember the singer is good but it quicly gets boring
I dont know much about Sal's new projects ...

And i shut up now for it's all about antimatter and PROPER DOOM METAL here ;)

P.S : I'm mad about this song being called terminal , the last song of my forthcoming EP was supposed to have the same title. I'm gonna be called names again ... ripp-off etc ... fuck ...


:lol: :) :lol:

P.S : @ Dunc and Mick : do you guys get pissed if the title of one of ur songs already exists or if you discover another bands has used it after you did it first. or do just dont give a shit about it . I mean it's not about ripping off but i wrote this 3 month ago and didnt know the last song of Lights Out would be named that way ...
aint no big deal anyway

okay :)
fuck on dvd as well? but ill just go for the CD.
I missed Keith Caputo as well on his tour, because they cancelled the gig in belgium :mad: aaaaaargh
Originally posted by cedarbreed
P.S : @ Dunc and Mick : do you guys get pissed if the title of one of ur songs already exists or if you discover another bands has used it after you did it first. or do just dont give a shit about it . I mean it's not about ripping off but i wrote this 3 month ago and didnt know the last song of Lights Out would be named that way ...
aint no big deal anyway


Use it anyway. Fuck, I directly took Feel from Syd Barrett, then Robbie Williams used it after that :)

Anyway, dont talk to me anymore. I am Grandmaster Scapegoat Galactica. If you ever fuck things up, blame me and it will be ok:cool: