Lights Out Finished!!!

:oops: Kylie is here :oops:
hey kylie are you serious 'into sex'?
hehe Kylie if you dont know they are doing: some kind of dark triphop. (is this a right description???)
check them site at
Originally posted by Strangelight

Anyway, dont talk to me anymore. I am Grandmaster Scapegoat Galactica. If you ever fuck things up, blame me and it will be ok:cool:

I'd rather have a fight with you Dunc. Your chest might be hairier than mine but I'm sure I've got bigger thighs !
Originally posted by Strangelight
Ok, I'll fight yer French boy. Stroll in the park :)
a night of strolling through the park, and when the light begins to change, ill bum you in the bushes, a little anxious with the dick in my ass...
fear of the dick
Originally posted by Mariner
a night of strolling through the park, and when the light begins to change, ill bum you in the bushes, a little anxious with the dick in my ass...
fear of the dick

You go out please , Pieter ! ...
And don't you argue ! ...
Originally posted by Strangelight
It will fucking hurt you dirty frog! Screwdriver up the shitter, chainsaws in the eye, everything!


what a *MAN*

I surrender , please dont hurt me :cry:

My mom used to tell me to beware people who live among sheeps
Any good dark industrial influences? I saw Dwra's video yesterday with the Venetian Snares-style Duncan DJ set back in the cellar in Paris, with all the sad looking couch potatoes and one idiot going nuts.... laughed my tits off :D
Originally posted by D3vLiN
Any good dark industrial influences? I saw Dwra's video yesterday with the Venetian Snares-style Duncan DJ set back in the cellar in Paris, with all the sad looking couch potatoes and one idiot going nuts.... laughed my tits off :D
eeeeeeej :yell: the blond! you going nuts and we sad; because of this: we're clever and you're blond. Period.