"Lights Out."


A quick review of the show for those that are interested...
Michael Shenker Group-The Galaxy

Anaheim, California 6.4.04

I can’t begin to tell you how geeked I was to get a chance to finally see Schenker live. He had canceled the last show in Portland, OR when he was playing with UFO in’98. Since then he has basically skipped, Oregon all together, a disappointment for me. Michael Schenker group hit the stage at about 10:45 PM, I had arrived at about 10:00 PM, just in time to miss one of the opening bands. Judging from the reaction of the various fans, that I spoke with, I didn’t miss much. Schenker appeared on stage with his trademark Flying V then the lights dimmed. The opening number was "Lights Out," kinda different opening with a track, that is reserved for an encore. Regardless, of my thoughts on the choice of opener, Schenker played a flawlessly & looking a bit older, he appeared to be Kerry King’s old man, the shorts, the T-shirt, sunglasses & boots. Michael never known for his stage presence, didn’t surprise, he chose his designated spot on the left side of the stage & didn’t move a muscle, but didn't miss a lick! The setlist included "On & On," "Attack of the Mad Axeman," "Only You Can Rock Me(my personal favorite)" toward the middle of the set, they stopped the momentum they had built by playing newer MSG material, "Fat City," Arachnophobiac," "Fatal Strike" & Rock & Roll Believer." Chris Logan has to be the luckiest bastard on the face of the planet, he’s definitely the weak link in the band. His voice began to deteriorate halfway through the set, he makes great effort to show some range, but he just can't. I was very impressed with Rev. Jones, as the show went on he showed off his chops, when they tore through "Into The Arena," I was speechless, his style reminded me of Billy Sheehan's and Pete Holmes was good, but he’s not Shane Gaalaas. Pete Holmes, did however, get a chance to show some of his percussion pyrotechnics, which he didn't really get to do when he played with Black 'N Blue. The band played on & then came out for the encore, "Doctor, Doctor," "Armed & Ready" & "Rock Bottom." The show ended with a bang at 11.55 PM. At that time you could see Schenker was pleased by the audience’s response, grinning & tossing picks into the crowd. Never experiencing him live & not knowing if his next "meltdown" is around the corner, I was delighted to have been there. Overall, a great show, no make-up, no flash pots, no gimmicks, just the band & a stage, the way it should be. Afterward, keeping with the intimate setting, Schenker came out & signed things for the fans. He was soft spoken, humble & really appreciated all the people that turned out for the show.
Hawk said:
Thanks 6! Great review man. You should go and write for some magazine. :rock:
My compliments.
Thanks Hawk.
I don't know that my stuff is good enough for a
publication. I'm doing this kind of stuff for fun & for the few that
might care to see it. Can you imagine being under the gun all the time?
With reviews & stuff? I don't know how the professionals do it.
Though, it's gotta be a fun gig don't you think?
I depends how busy you are with the other things in your life. Can you make any room for it? I think your reviews are damn good. You sure have the skills but I don't know anything about your motivation and time schedual.
Hawk said:
I depends how busy you are with the other things in your life. Can you make any room for it? I think your reviews are damn good. You sure have the skills but I don't know anything about your motivation and time schedual.
I agree Hawk. He has a knack for it. I have good writing skills and a good vocabulary, but I'm a bit dry and technical. I don't have the creativity to do the things he does. The twenty questions with Wolf Hoffmann was cool as hell and I honestly am not saying that because I am extremely biased towards Wolf, but rather I wouldn't have been able to ask him things most people would be interested in.

Good to hear that Schenker is still then man on the guitar and an humble man close to its fans, in spite of his terrible reputation.

MSG... another band I've never seen yet, time to fix that!