like fingernails on a blackboard


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
here's something annoying the piss out of me at work. the receptionist has the worst conversation skills i have ever seen. she begins to have a discussion with someone else about car troubles and they get into a normal "i tell you my story, you tell me your story" kind of thing. however, when the other person takes a brief gap in his story she immediately jumps in with her story without letting him finish. and here i am the listener and i want to say "shut up! let him finish!" but she's ultra-sensitive and would probably break down.

not that i am really one to talk, pun intended, but that is just a really annoying thing to do.
Soap in a sock, dude. Hurts more than an orange, doesn't leave marks, and you get a nice whiff of cucumber-melon with every blow instead of a splash of sticky juice.