Limiter question


Apr 17, 2009
if i record my tracks at low levels i.e -15dB and so that all tracks are far from clipping does that mean that when i stick a limiter on the master bus i can drive my output harder than i could if they were all recorded around -6dB?

i.e can i make my song louder?
so there's basically a finite point that my MIX can reach without it clipping?

if it got beyond that level and began to clip how would i adjust it... sorry if im not making any sense im just trying to adjust the volume of the whole mix
You limit and/or clip the output of your system in order to get a louder overall level without actually going over 0dbFS, but in doing that you will start adding distortion to the sound, which is always the trade-off when pushing levels. It's not how loud you make it, it's how you make it loud.
i see! that would explain why the guitars sound so unclear on my mix since i cranked the limiter....any tips?
When using limiters, try not to use them more than 2-3db at most because after that most of them will really start to draw attention to themselves and as you've experienced lose clarity really fast! Getting loud levels in a clean way is hugely dependent on the type of arrangement, production, mix AND mastering. So it's very hard to give any quick fixes for your issue. I'd say, don't worry about... just create great music and try stuff out!