Line 6 POD Studio GX - some questions for the wise.


New Metal Member
Dec 14, 2010

It's my first thread on this forum so I'm hoping for some constructive opinions. I've recently saw some post saying that the Line 6 PODs are shitty in terms of DI track quallity and it's better to buy a proper audio interface (M-Audio or MOTU stuff). I've been recording some songs with the POD and I noticed that the tone generated from the amp sims (LePou, TSE etc.) is a little bit too fizzy and cracky. Is it really that much of a big deal ? Any tips ?
have you used impulses after the amp sim? They'll sound like shit no matter what if you're not using impulses.

Line 6 DIs aren't "shitty", they're definitely usable, but yeah there is a noticeable difference from other interfaces like M-audio or focusrite stuff. Still, it's not like they will sound bad if put through an amp sim, either you're not using impulses or doing something wrong in the mixing side of things
Yeah, I use impulses so thats not the issue. I'm starting to guess that the problem might be in some loose cables in my pickup circut or sth.