Lioness, you -> Croatia?

dead6skin6mask6 said:
Wacken doesnt involve a ride! anyone can get there

well, i understand Martin actually.... flights from sweden to germany can be a bit expenssive, and most people from sweden just drive down there...
its 12-14 hours drive (depends where in sweden you're from)
not so bad.

sorry you dont have a ride karmic! :(

The_Children_of_Decadence said:
come to Hungary, Dead Lio'

awe thanks! i'd love to see Hungary as well!
when i was in Austria i wanted to cross the border to visit Hungary- but i didnt have enough time and i had to go back to Holland :/

metalskater7 said:
can't go to wacken till karen posts another pic :heh:

wait, so a pic will make you go to Wacken?
boy, you're easy :D

james: thanks :oops: