i got Dead Lioness



on a picture and she does not even know!

im sorry, but i could not resist.

dont hate me. you dont even know me.

i took this picture 30 min ago.
the Lioness will have a nice suprise when she will wake up.

Hearse, you're just jealous cuz you want to have Lioness too. :D but nothing, this guy came first. :p

P.S. where is your cam anyway?... :loco:
do you want me to send you the money for the plane ticket, to go see her? or do you both want to come to Greece in July? house on the coast, metal parties in Athens.... :dopey:

or do you both want to come to Zagreb? at the same time? :eek: she'll come to see us you know... :heh:
I think that was Wolftribe. Scratch that, it's hard to stalk people when you're Wolftribe, he's so white he glows from a mile away. I say it was metalskater7.