Lionheart V A matter of life and death


Oct 19, 2003
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Got the new maiden cd the other day and i gotta say that yeah it is better then maidens last two or three previous releases and i deff like 6 out of the ten songs the other 4 i cant make my mind up about yet. The first thing i noticed about it was the vocals and on a good part of the album its hard to hear the lyrics bruce is singing about compared to say his vocals on number of the beast or seventh son etc, etc, which is a little bit of a let down. Maiden are a very melodic metal band nothing wrong in that but maybe they could of mixed that up more with there power chords and gallaping rythams to make it sound more heavyier, i dont think there is enough of this on the album. Drums and bass on the album are spot on. A matter of life and death for me is an ok album but i think they could have done better 6/10.

Lionheart ill make this short cause ive put my comments about this album ages ago on past thread 9 out of the 10 tracks i love compared to maidens 6 tracks flying on the edge i would have knocked on the head. Biff vocals are sharp and ya can understand just about all his lyrics the guitars cut through with heavy rytham and a bit of melodic guitar in there as well, and the songs in general flow through a lot lot better from beginning to end 9/10.

Just incase anybody thinks im slagging maiden of im not there in me top 5 bands i just think it could have been better then what it is.