Black Stone Wielder
21) I'm so glad I've finished tabbing Bloodbath songs, that was becoming annoying 
22) Now I'm back to tabbing Bolt Thrower songs
23) I also have an Anathema song ("...and I lust") to figure out, for the Anathema forum cover thing. Old school doom rules
24) And I need to write some of my own stuff
25) I'm thinking I'll do a very complex dual-guitar thing, haven't done one of those in ages, it takes several weeks, but the last few songs I've done have been rather simple, it's time for a change.
26) I have a cold- my throat hurts and my nose is running
27) I'm about to eat a blueberry muffin
28) I just downloaded some porn
29) I don't really know why I download porn, I hardly even look at it. I don't really like wanking infront of the computer.
30)I'm just saying something here because I don't want the next point to follow the above point
31) My best friend is a UM member, she knows who she is
32) If Katatonia didn't have their forum at UM, I would never have registered here, and would never have met her, which is an odd thing to think about.
33) I'm not sure if her being my best friend is a massive compliment to her, or a sad comentary on my inability to make friends in 'the real world' (ie not on the net, she lives in Australia and we've never met)
34) I think it's a bit of both
35) Next time I'm at the record store, I'll be buying the new live album by Candlemass
36) I've finally gotten sick of being the way I am, and I want to get help
37) I have Lina to thank for that, I think
38) Still, taking the first step is gonna be hard
39) I was actually going to start this thread with point #36, but then had second thoughts about saying it atall, but I've changed my mind again and now it is said.
40) I never delete a post, or edit for any reason other than spelling/grammer, or to correct a factual mistake, so #36 is staying there, even if I change my mind again. If I say stupid things in real life I can't take them back, I apply that to my posts. Once it's said, it stays said, if that makes me look stupid at times so be it, but each post represents my view at the time it was posted, and I stand by every post I've made, even if I nolonger agree with it. I am me and make no appoliges for it.

22) Now I'm back to tabbing Bolt Thrower songs

23) I also have an Anathema song ("...and I lust") to figure out, for the Anathema forum cover thing. Old school doom rules

24) And I need to write some of my own stuff
25) I'm thinking I'll do a very complex dual-guitar thing, haven't done one of those in ages, it takes several weeks, but the last few songs I've done have been rather simple, it's time for a change.
26) I have a cold- my throat hurts and my nose is running
27) I'm about to eat a blueberry muffin

28) I just downloaded some porn

29) I don't really know why I download porn, I hardly even look at it. I don't really like wanking infront of the computer.
30)I'm just saying something here because I don't want the next point to follow the above point

31) My best friend is a UM member, she knows who she is
32) If Katatonia didn't have their forum at UM, I would never have registered here, and would never have met her, which is an odd thing to think about.
33) I'm not sure if her being my best friend is a massive compliment to her, or a sad comentary on my inability to make friends in 'the real world' (ie not on the net, she lives in Australia and we've never met)
34) I think it's a bit of both
35) Next time I'm at the record store, I'll be buying the new live album by Candlemass
36) I've finally gotten sick of being the way I am, and I want to get help
37) I have Lina to thank for that, I think
38) Still, taking the first step is gonna be hard
39) I was actually going to start this thread with point #36, but then had second thoughts about saying it atall, but I've changed my mind again and now it is said.
40) I never delete a post, or edit for any reason other than spelling/grammer, or to correct a factual mistake, so #36 is staying there, even if I change my mind again. If I say stupid things in real life I can't take them back, I apply that to my posts. Once it's said, it stays said, if that makes me look stupid at times so be it, but each post represents my view at the time it was posted, and I stand by every post I've made, even if I nolonger agree with it. I am me and make no appoliges for it.