List 20 Random Things about Yourself...

1. I don't like doing a list like this as I feel it might get too personal.
2. I don't like revealing too much :oP
3. I think I have tinnitus, my right ear always has this ringing sound.
4. I am scared to go deaf! :o(My 'plan' was always to go deaf after
I'd turned 30, but things are going downhill way too fast!!!! (And I
realized that life doesn't stop after you're 30. I'm only 21...hehe).
5. I love having way too much to do, cause it stops me from
worrying about what I should do with my life.
6. I stress around a lot, and like it >;o)
7. If it wasn't for music I'd be dead.
8. I wonder why ShadowLioness keeps the fingernails on her left
hand shorter than on her right.
9. I have quite an amount of cd's I haven't had time or haven't
been bothered to listen to yet!
10. I just recently started sewing, and hopefully I'll be able to make
all my own clothes!!
11. I want to learn how to play the guitar properly.
12. But I always give up... :oP
13. I love singing.
14. But I always give that up as well...
15. I have always loved writing!
16. I wish I knew more people in real life that were into metal!
17. I can't wait to get my new cam! :o)
18. I think more and say less.
19. Ghah!!! This is personal! But I love reading all these details
about you guys! :o)
2: I have a short fuse. Especially when it comes to lateness.
3: I smoke like a chimney
4: I prefer reading a book to watching TV
5: I make headlights for a living-YUK!!!
6: My band has been looking for a bassist for a long, long time
7: Music is my hobby
8: I am having trouble coming up with 20 things
9: My tongue is pierced
10: I am a bit of an introvert
11: I am addicted to (Chaos) Flavour Ice Freeze Pops.
12: I get a lot of prank calls from people all over the country that I have never met in my life
13: I love animals
14: My friends sometimes call me Silent Bob
15: I love spamming even though it has nothing intellectually stimulating to offer
16: I wear Cool Water or Drakkar
17: It is very cold in here, yet warm outside-go figure
18: I enjoy my Filet Mignon bloody red
19: I need to get laid
20: I am obsessively clean when it comes to hygeine, but anything else, and I am a slob.
Blackspirit said:
8. I wonder why ShadowLioness keeps the fingernails on her left
hand shorter than on her right.

I do that so I can play guitar. Long nails don't work well with a fretboard
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21. This is my first thread I've started that's ever generated more than 10 replies! :grin: Rep points, please...

22. I didn't go to band rehearsal today because I was too hungover.

23. I've been smoking way too much lately! Fuck...

24. The Easter bunny didn't visit me this year :(

25. I think I gain or lose 1-3 kg(2-6lbs) every week.

26. I can't decide whether I should go for a pint with a friend or just stay at home.

27. Alex Skolnick is so cool...

28. I'm really starting to think it's not possible to find anyone I could be with in this world...

29. I ate hot wings this morning for breakfast.

30. My friend and I returned someone's phone they left at the bar last night.

31. My friend is REALLY pierced in every possible place.

32. I should start studying for my upcoming exams, but I think I'll do my normal thing and start panicking about 32 hours before the exam day.

33. My guitar strings are really rusty and coroded.

34. I'm really lost regarding this Idari-Interesti issue...I thought they were the same person...

35. I wish I had a half wolf dog.

36. I wish I could be a taller Alexi Laiho in my next life.

37. My daily medication in the morning consists of 7 pills :ill:

38. I wonder when I'll get laid again. My neighbor seems to be avoiding me these days :(

39. Hangovers are not cool. Especially the ones that continue on for a few days :loco:

40. My emotionalness and compassion for others are my greatest strengths and weaknesses at the same time.

41. Sometimes I'm really surprised that I'm still alive...
Kaine said:
34. I'm really lost regarding this Idari-Interesti issue...I thought they were the same person...

:lol:. We're not the same person and never thought anyone would think we were (eh Spike, Moshing Kosher ;)).
1. I typed all the numbers out first, then wrote my random things
2. I can't stand burgers.
3. I want to conduct a cat genocide.
4. :loco: is a really annoying smily, which I never use.
5. I think DarknessEternal is a tosser.
6. I'm only kidding Rob
7. Or am I?
8. I have a non-existant beard which rahvin likes to discuss with me.
9. Treefingers has just borrowed every Opeth album from me for the night, which is ok because I can listen to them from my computer.
10. I really do hate cats.
11. I don't appreciate Forest of October like I should.
12. I paused my music because I'm struggling to answer this 20 random things thing and I can't concentrate because the music is too loud.
13. I LOVE the self-titled Offspring album
14. I have 3 beautiful green dots, which I like to caress.
15. I'm not really nice, but I do have a sexy aura.
16. Number 18 on this list is a lie.
17. Satori's threads scare me, but I like them anyway.
18. I have a green scrotum.
19. Hehe, that cat dissection site really rules.
20. Every time I type out dissection, I automatically give it a CAPITAL LETTER, because I'm used to writing about the band.

Phewie. :grin:
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I've been feeling guilty about my rather harsh anti-Damnation comments. I don't hate the cd, and perhaps "boring" isn't the right word. Well, yeah, actually I do think it's boring, but it's nice as background music. Hmmm, I'm thinking this wasn't much better than my original comments. :erk: :p
1- I am scorpio, and am proud of it! :)
2- I am a total comic geek, my dream job is to be comics' writer.
3- Used to be a drummer until I broke my kneecap skiing. Sucks...
4- Right now I'm listening to, episode 54, Marduk: The sun turns Black as Night."
5- I'm studying economics, although I'm also a Shakespeare TA.
6- Clive Barker and Neil Gaiman are my favorite authors.
7- I'm gonna get drunk tonight. [actually in 1 hour or so :)]
8- I just dumped my gf. Sucks.
9- The only bands I've seen live are Samael, Amorphis and Moonspell, all in Turkey.
10- I hate having to live in USA.
11- I hate school.
12- I probably have some sort of Peter Pan syndrome; getting older scares me a lot. [just like you Sadistik :)]
13- I wish I were 14 again, and I wish I had learnt to play the guitar.
14- Last book I read is American Gods by Gaiman.
15- I'd like to be sitting by the Bosphorous right now, smoking my shisha [or hookah].
16- Being homesick sucks!
17- I might go to Gods of Netal tour just to see Immortal, f-ck Rob Halford hehehe :)
18- I want to learn Swedish and Norweigan, although Swedish and norweigan ppl do not want to learn Turkish.
19- I want to be done with school, and disappear from the face of the plant with my cds and computer.
20- I want to write a book.
Blackspirit said:
3. I think I have tinnitus, my right ear always has this ringing sound.
Go to a doctor! Seriously. Or look up a good Audiologist (hearing doctor), that'll be more expensive, but your doctor would probably refer you to one anyway. There are several reasons for Tinnitus occurring, and some of them are treatable early on I think. At the very least, they will be able to give you advice on how to stop it becoming worse. Do it! (though I'm one to talk, having never been to a doctor about it myself ;)).
Blackspirit said:
4. I am scared to go deaf! :o(My 'plan' was always to go deaf after
I'd turned 30, but things are going downhill way too fast!!!! (And I
realized that life doesn't stop after you're 30. I'm only 21...hehe).
I'd recommend doing a bit of research on hearing and what causes damage (now this I have actually done :D), and start taking measures to limit further damage (such as wear earplugs at concerts, and I don't mean those crappy $2 things, I mean proper ones that filter noise without muffling it, they might be expensive, but they are worth it). Tinnitus does not mean you will end up going deaf (my father has had it most of his life (he's 65) and he can still hear most things, he has lost some of his high frequency range (can't hear birds and stuff, although sometimes he can)), I've had it for 10 years and my hearing is still very good, but once I knew I had it I took steps to stop it getting worse. Honestly, don't put it off, my mother is quite deaf also (not through damage, it's just a disease she could do nothing about), and I see how frustrating it is for her (she can still hear ok if you talk to her, but she often can't hear in social gatherings (even if we just have a couple of people around for dinner), if people don't speak up she can't hear them). It's not something you want to go through, trust me (if you find this scary, then good, you still have time to do something about it :))
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