list the 5 best bass productions of all time

Mar 11, 2005
This week we are going to list the 5 best bass productions of all time. to me this was a hard one because on most metal productions you rarely hear the bass. i like a heavy low end so here are my personal favorites :

Metallica : the black album : it´s just killer even though Cliff was a much cooler bassplayer.

Pantera : Far byond driven : Rex rules and so does his bass sound and Terry Date is a soundgod in the same leauge as Andy Sneap,Colin Richardson and Bob Rock(before St. anger)

Iron Maiden : Powerslave : Steve Harris have always had the coolest tones and this is my personal favorite.

Nevermore : Politics of ectasy : Real metallic sounding ,but still heavy.

Testament: the gathering: ijust love this album Andy did a outstanding job on the production and steve is an awsome player, in my opinion he overdid did it on Individual thought patterns but that´s just my opinion

Also D.d. Verni from Overkill has to be mentioned for having one of the coolest bass sounds ever
Mine are:

Metallica: Load Reload (Jason did a GREAT job, just listen to 'Until it sleeps' 'Outlaw torn'... 'Fuel'...

Nevermore: Dead Heart...

Fear Factory: Obsolete (the contrabbasso on Edgecrusher.... ...yeah!!!)

Paradise Lost: Draconian times

Finger Eleven: The greyest of blue skies (it's not really proper metal, it's hard rock but... ...what a good bass player... ...what a good bass sound...
I like the bass on Tool's Lateralus and AEnima. It's not really metal, but anyway, it sounds good to my ears. I haven't listened to those albums for a while actually, but Tool just immediately came to mind. I mean, just listen how well it works for the song 'Schizm'. The role of the bass in their music is of course different from the 'just play the root of the guitar chord' method some other bands tend to use, so that may be part of the reason the bass sounds good to me.
Klimt 1918 - Secession makes post-modern music
Klimt 1918 - Undressed Momento
Novembre - Arte Novecento
Novembre - Dreams D'azur
Pig Destroyer - any of them :D
Yeah, Pig Destroyer has such an amazing bass tone only über-humans like morningstar and me can hear it!
The best bass tone ever is the slide in the beginning of Manowars "Hail and Kill".
Other good basssounds are Peter Steels Bass on "Slow deep and Hard".

The Problem with good basssound is that a bass sound that improves the whole production is relatively unspectacular. A spectacular bass sound needs place, so the whole production tends to be not so fat.

I also like the cool sound bass on "until it sleeps" from Metallica.
I like the sligthly distorted bass on "Nemo" from Nighwish.
As well the bass sound of Dark Tranquility, don't know the name of the album at the moment.
A very good band-beneficial bass sound is on Carcass "Swansongs".
Kreators bass sound are way too band-beneficial....

Death has some cool bass sounds too.

I dislike Steve Harrisons sound, too "clicky-clicky".
Mmmm, from what I recall I'd say in no particular order :
- Nightwish "Once"
- Killswitch Engage "Alive or Just Breathing"
- Peter Gabriel "So"
- Soilwork "Stabbing the Drama"
Argh, I can't find another one... I'll go for Fear Factory "Archetype"...