Your 3 favorite Metal productions of all time!

Hmmm, I've seen you talk about it now for a while and I guess its just me, but I think Stabbing the Drama sounds absolutely terrible! Perhaps I'm missing something.

Thank you Splat !!!! I dont like it either. Fatiguing, disgusting snare :Puke:
I can appreciate it for its clarity, and it does sound professional, but i dont like it :goggly:
Some of my favorite guitar tones..

1. Ghost Reveries (Opeth)
2. Alaska (Between The Buried and Me)
3. This Godless Endeavor (Nevermore)

Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Darkthrone - Panzerfaust
Children of Bodom - Follow the Reaper
Cant really just choose 3, but my favourites are;

Despised Icon - Day of Mourning
Chimaira - The Impossibility Of Reason
Behemoth - Evangelion
Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia
Heaven Shall Burn - Deaf to Our Prayers. (love the drums)
The Agony Scene - The Darkest Red (love the snare)
Suicide Silence - The Cleansing (this snare too)

+1 to the agony scene