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Can't say I care much for the vocals. The production is obviously a bit rough around the edges. The riff change at 2:46 is cool, as is the turn the song takes at the 3:22 mark. Overall, it doesn't knock my socks off. Maybe a 4.

Are we going to be surprised to learn who it is?

Nah, no surprise, I just want to get some thoughts on it from an 'independent' point of view. It's one of those things where if I said who it was, people might have some preconceptions before hearing it, etc.

This is a new track called "1000 Wolves" from LUDICRA.

Of course, LUDICRA is John Cobbet's side project with a bunch of other oddball musicians. And that riff change at 2:46 is exactly what makes him worth his weight in gold. Fuck me, that's good.

But of course, if you want that kinda thing, you only need to go to HoM or Slough Feg for his 'premium' stuff.
Black Winter Day said:
Seriously, I hope that song isn't entirely representative of the band. I expected better. :(
Nah, this whole San Fran scene is pretty incestuous. The side projects are way behind the flagship events. This is Cobbet with people from Impaled and Amber Asylum, all of which seem to do better in their 'day jobs'.

When it comes to San Fran BM, all you need is Leviathan, Weakling, Draugur, and Crebain. Although to be fair, Ludicra is not BM...
It is Scalzi's band, but Cobbet plays (and co-writes some songs) on "Down Among the Deadmen" onwards....

...yes, you absolutely MUST hear Slough Feg.
BWD, get fuckin' Twilight Among the Idols or whatever the crap it's called. RULRES.

This track... eh, it's okay. I guess. Riff is cool, vocals are shite, rest is alright. 6 or 7 /10.

EDIT: Blech nevermind, this is junk. Good recording of bad shit. 4/10 at best.
i give it a 6.5 out of 10. Its really not too bad, but the riffs seem a tad generic to me, and the vocals are a bit ... off..