HoM - Brooklyn, NY - July 24th '04

NAD said:
I am concerned though, the Long Beach shows are still TBA, and Ticketmaster doesn't show anything listed for the band, or High on Fire in Phoenix, Frisco, and down here (are they touring with them the whole time? There's a show in San Diego listed.). :(
NAD - I would be really surprised if something didn't pan out for CA since it's their home turf. In talking to them, they said they were quite excited about going home and playing to their hometown audiences. I'd assume that most support will come from local bands for each location.

I'm not sure what involvement the label has with the tour, since this all seems to be coming out of their own pockets, but I'll shoot an e-mail to Cruz del Sur and see if they know what's up. Lord Weird Slough Feg is touring Europe this year, and I can't imagine Scalzi is financing that, so let's see what the label says.
That pic is so large when it first pops up I thought JayKeeley was the dude on the left drinking a Pabst, until I scrolled over and saw the Agalloch shirt. :loco:

Awesome, I'll shoot Cruz del Sur an email later today. I WILL see the Hammers, it is... my density.
Black Winter Day said:
Jaykeeley, you are surprisingly non-fat and non-bald!

No I will never get bald. Seriously, I need to get a haircut once every two weeks, my hair grows so quick. Nobody in my family is bald, not even my mum. :loco: Fat? Yeah, I've put on some poundage in the last few years/months. In 98, I was 170lb, and then I moved to America. The rest is history... :grin: I'm a dirty 185lb (5lb gained in Cincinnati alone, with lots of beer intake), so I'm gonna start running. I already jogged today for 20 minutes, of which 17 minutes was more like walking.

EDIT: That's also a really bad picture of me by the way. :lol: I need to add something to that 'random question' thread.
Good god beer packs on pounds. My metabolism is lightning quick but with all the beer I consume I've carried an extra 20 for 4 years now.

I'll probably never go bald either, my hair grows like a weed. *knock on wood* Oh fuckit, I'd just go Kojack if I ever developed Male Pattern Suckness anyhow.
heheh ... and the last pics is of my friend ... the one with the glasses

good thing there is no visual evidence of my fat ass anywhere
Either that or contact Cruz del Sur (the label) - they are a friendly bunch.
I did not realize that they were on an Italian Record Label ... the labels website was even designed by the same guys that did the Code666 sites ... wierd.

I was even going to shoot an email to Emi, to look into HOM ... but now it would not be cool :) I was under the impression that HOM was on some "home made" label based out of the West Coast.
lurch70 said:
I did not realize that they were on an Italian Record Label ... the labels website was even designed by the same guys that did the Code666 sites ... wierd.

I was even going to shoot an email to Emi, to look into HOM ... but now it would not be cool :) I was under the impression that HOM was on some "home made" label based out of the West Coast.
The Bastard was released on tUMULt. They are based out of San Franciso, a small label that has a knack of finding cool Californian talent. I think it was a one shot deal, and then Cruz del Sur came along and snapped up HoM for The August Engine.

The next album, The Locust Years, will also be on Cruz del Sur, and then that's it. Since they only have a two record deal with them, they'll be homeless again after the next release.
Demonspell said:
I hope they END up on a bigger label after THE END of their current contract, one that can ensure an END to their relative obscurity and will defEND their artistisc freedom... :)

seriously, that would be an ideal partnership...
It would be a good relationship. To have Agalloch, Novembers Doom, and HoM all on the same label would be a perfect. Imagine the three of them on tours together?

Black Winter Day said:
Tell 'em your with RC. Tell 'em you know Ali. It'll get you nowhere, but tell 'em anyways. :loco:

Enjoy it man. I expect a full report on my desk first thing in the morning. Failing that, make a new thread. Hell, make two! :tickled:
JayKeeley said:
Tell 'em your with RC. Tell 'em you know Ali. It'll get you nowhere, but tell 'em anyways. :loco:
:lol: :lol: I was planning on it! I was even about to wear my Agalloch shirt, but I didn't want to be derivative.

Enjoy it man. I expect a full report on my desk first thing in the morning. Failing that, make a new thread. Hell, make two! :tickled:
Hell yeah... I'm gonna headbang my ass off. No ponytail tonight!

I'm going with a few friends, but this bar is supposed to be pretty fucking seedy. Hopefully I won't get my ass kicked.

Oh yeah, I'm getting you a record, ain't I? :tickled:
Black Winter Day said:
Oh yeah, I'm getting you a record, ain't I? :tickled:
Only if it's not a problem. I don't want you standing in a moshpit holding bags of shopping. :loco: (Honestly, I don't think this vinyl is in that short of a supply)...

...of course, now that I've said that, it'll be a HTF item come tomorrow morning. :loco:
it's probably too late now, but can you tell the keyboard player that the tall goofy looking dude snapping pics all night at the Brooklyn show ... well ... he is googoo gaga over her :grin:

or anyone else going to future shows ... pass this on to her :worship:
Just noticed that The End just restocked on their HoM inventory (still no August Engine CD though...could this be a rarity already?). In any case, the August Engine vinyl awaits if BWD is too busy getting drunk on his birthday listening to the Hammers. Can't blame him if he is... :kickass:
lurch70 said:
it's probably too late now, but can you tell the keyboard player that the tall goofy looking dude snapping pics all night at the Brooklyn show ... well ... he is googoo gaga over her :grin:

or anyone else going to future shows ... pass this on to her :worship:
You should have just come out when I was talking to her all that time. I would have introduced you. Man, the two of you could have been in a Vegas wedding chapel by now. :tickled:
Just noticed that The End just restocked on their HoM inventory (still no August Engine CD though...could this be a rarity already?).
there are some on eBay ... bidding on them myself

You should have just come out when I was talking to her all that time. I would have introduced you. Man, the two of you could have been in a Vegas wedding chapel by now. :tickled:
i could have brought her home and whip out my Negura disc with the leaf ... damn .. another missed opporunity