Listen my mix clip, heavy metal, PODxt, EZ DFH

Whoa, sounds fantastic dude! The drum programming is really cool, very high energy, and I love that Pod tone! What model/cab is that? You say no Rob Halford on vocals; surely this isn't a cover of a Priest song? Cuz I've never heard them do anything like this before...
thanks guys! its my song, i wish if rob could sing there )
i use standart Sneap samples in .gog, found on drumagog forum, 100% replacement
pod xt - criminal amp, treadplate cab with 1st mic, curve eq.
rvs0002 - i`ve made my own eq from my favourite guitar track (after trying to use pod xt as close as possible to standard)
Wow. Sounds pretty much perfect.

I actually want to listen to and comment on everything in this section, but I was drawn to this one because I also use 2 guitar tracks, Hardcore Bass and EZD/DFH. I use a V-Amp 2 for guitar.

I'm just blown away by the quality and it makes me think twice before sharing what I've done here at home hehe. I have much more to learn. Good job.

Side note: this could not have sounded more like Children of Bodom if it WAS Children of Bodom :)