Little Miss Messiah and Madgirl Appreciation Society

Originally posted by little miss messiah
Am VVVVVVVV apprciative of ND for J&SBSB tshirt.


And Metal MAckem, its not buy one get one free btw with me n MG

Ahhh thought all my christmas's had come at once for a breif fantasy moment...

oh well... i doubt very much i could handle tho both of you anyway. you'd tear me apart .

Still Lil Miss Messiah n Mad Girl are both fantabulous chicks.
I assure you i am beniffiting from NO financial gain's what so ever.
Just showing my appreciation of two fantastic young ladies, who have made me feel very welcome in this here fine establishment.
Erm living in a city which is on the coast in the north east of england fishnets and boots are a regular sight in sunderland.. and erm hmmm dunno how anyone can see em as been sexy, i mean fish nets are usually full of fishy type things and erm as for the boots they're no good when ya small lad like me :lol:
after meeting both i must say that they are stunning and very friendly indeed and really know to dress to impress and party!